Corporate evaluation of UN Women’s UN system coordination and broader convening role in ending violence against women

UN Women works to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls (VAWG), increase access to services for survivors, and make private and public spaces safer for women and girls.

In working towards ending VAWG, UN Women leverages its integrated mandate through the provision of normative support, coordination of the UN system, and implementation of its operational activities. UN Women engages on multiple fronts by partnering with governments, UN organizations, civil society organizations, and other partners to foster accountability and yield collective action through concerted and coordinated actions to address VAWG and gender inequality. 

In 2021, the Independent Evaluation Service conducted the corporate evaluation of UN Women’s UN system coordination and broader convening role in ending violence against women as part of its implementation of the UN Women Corporate Evaluation Plan. The evaluation provides an overall assessment of UN Women’s UN system coordination and broader convening role in the area of ending violence against women and includes a forward-looking analysis with a view to informing UN Women’s Strategic Plan 2022–2025.

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Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters
Number of pages