Regular resources report 2021: Investing in results

In 2021, UN Women steered a course through the multiple crises posed by COVID-19, climate, and conflict to continue its work as a global thought leader on gender equality and women’s empowerment, convener of catalytic partnerships, and champion of women and girls. The results achieved are possible because of the generosity of our partners who prioritize regular (core) resources and understand the role regular resources have to maintain an organization which is responsive, agile, and flexible.

Thanks to its partners, UN Women received regular resources of USD 165 million in contributions. This report reflects some of our achievements as well as our approaches to accelerate change through our new Strategic Plan (2022–2025). It shows how regular resources have been the bedrock of our organization, enabling and sustaining our reach and impact. 

Reliable regular resources underwrite all areas of UN Women’s work. In 2021, regular resources enabled UN Women to mobilize additional resources, respond to crises such as the multiple crises which impacted Haiti, amplify results in the thematic areas identified in the Strategic Plan 2018–2021, and strengthen accountability and results in the implementation of the Strategic Plan. The report also reflects on the first decade of UN Women's existence and highlights some of the achievements over the period from 2011 to 2021. While the report notes that progress on gender equality and women’s empowerment is not always quantifiable, linear, or fast, it recognizes how crucial it is to realize commitments to human rights and more inclusive development.

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Resource type(s): Institutional reports
UN Women office publishing: Headquarters Offices
Number of pages