HeForShe marks ten years with a movement of 2 million gender equality activists, welcomes new Champions

New York, 24 September 2024 - Since 2014, HeForShe has bolstered a global movement, engaging more than 2 million men and individuals of all genders in championing gender equality. This unique initiative, led by UN Women, has driven 3 billion conversations on topics ranging from closing the pay gap to combating violence against women, reaching more than 36 million people in 2023 alone, including those in crisis-affected areas. In 2023 alone, HeForShe has engaged more than 300,000 employees across multiple member organizations, putting gender equality at the center of the conversations at workplaces, with at least USD 5.7 million in direct investments towards gender equality.  

HeForShe marks ten years with a movement of 2 million gender equality activists, welcomes new Champions
HeForShe marks ten years with a movement of 2 million gender equality activists, welcomes new Champions. Photo: UN Women

To ensure the HeForShe movement continues pushing for gender equality over the next ten years, UN Women is announcing the addition of four new global leaders who have committed to making advancements within their respective sectors. They are Pedro Sanchez, Prime Minister of Spain; Hugh Evans, CEO and Co-Founder of Global Citizen; Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank; and Michelle Terry, CEO of Movember. 

“UN Women is pleased to announce four visionary leaders as new HeForShe Champions.  When men and women alike stand together for gender equality, we move towards a just and equal world for all”, said UN Women Executive Director, Sima Bahous. 

The new HeForShe Champions will join a growing and diverse cohort of leaders dedicated to transforming their institutions and setting new benchmarks for equality, ensuring that women and girls have equal opportunities in social, economic, and political spheres worldwide.  

Each of these Champions has committed to making gender equality an institutional priority, with bold targets and a commitment to annual monitoring and accountability. The new HeForShe Alliance Members’ respective commitments are as follows: 

H.E. Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister of Spain: 

The Government of Spain commits to promote gender rotation in the presidency of the United Nations General Assembly and equal access to decision-making positions, including at the multilateral level; to continue supporting and strengthening the work of UN Women by increasing its funding; to promote gender parity and equality in Spain, the EU, and globally through the Parity Law, among other instruments; to promote global care systems; and to ensure a feminist approach in all policies, including those that are part of the triple transition: social, digital, and ecological.   

“In some places, we are witnessing a steady erosion of the rights that feminist movements fought for with so much effort over the years. We are therefore obliged to raise our voice and remind the world that gender equality is a human rights issue, based on social justice, and that it concerns us all.”  

Hugh Evans, CEO and Co-Founder of Global Citizen:

Global Citizen and HeForShe commit to using their respective platforms and advocacy to showcase and speak about girls’ and women’s empowerment and advancing gender equality in partnership under the HeForShe Alliance. This includes featuring HeForShe initiatives and messages at Global Citizen events, campaigns, and activations, while also showcasing Global Citizen’s gender-focused efforts through the HeForShe Alliance. By joining forces, HeForShe and Global Citizen will broaden their reach and influence, driving greater public awareness and advocacy for gender equality across multiple sectors. 

“It's not possible to end extreme poverty without putting the health and economic rights of women and girls front and centercross all aspects of society — in the home, the boardroom, governments, classrooms — we need to equalize the playing field and ensure women and girls have the equity and agency to lead. I'm excited to join forces with the HeForShe movement and continue to amplify this call to action, for the benefit of us all.” 

Akinwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank: 

The African Development Bank commits to mainstreaming gender considerations across all its investment projects and operations. This includes incorporating gender-responsive indicators into project monitoring and evaluation frameworks to track progress in enhancing women's financial inclusion. By embedding gender criteria in its processes, the Bank has the potential to lead the financial sector in promoting gender equality, setting a new standard for development finance institutions globally. 

“Africa can only reach its full development potential by exponentially increasing opportunities for women.  Advancing gender and empowering women are central to the African Development Bank Group's work across the continent. I sincerely thank UN Women and HeForShe for this recognition. Becoming a HeForShe Champion reflects my personal, as well as the Bank's, unwavering commitment to promoting gender equality and to delivering increased access to finance for Africa's women entrepreneurs. I am resolute in my conviction that when Africa's women win — Africa wins.”

Michelle Terry, CEO of Movember: 

Movember and HeForShe will collaborate to advance research on the intersections of men’s health and gender equality, focusing particularly on promoting healthy masculinities. This partnership will involve sharing research findings with HeForShe partners and developing guidelines for effective communication around healthy masculinities. This partnership will equip organizations with the tools to foster positive masculinity, benefiting the broader field of gender equality by addressing harmful gender norms.

“At Movember, we believe that achieving gender equality requires all of us to be part of the    solution. Our goal is to elevate the voices and experiences of boys and men, engaging them as integral parts of the solution to gender inequality. We know that when men are healthier – both mentally and physically – it benefits everyone and is essential to achieving true gender equality. By promoting healthier expressions of masculinity, we aim to foster more respectful behaviors and create healthier, safer communities for all. We are proud to join the HeForShe Alliance and stand alongside those who are driving positive change and challenging outdated norms — together, we can build a world where everyone, regardless of gender, has the opportunity to thrive.” 

You can read the full HeForShe Impact Report 2024 here.