CSW62 side event: Climate change adaptation strategies for capacity-building and economic empowerment of women farmers

(PDF flyer available in English and French.)
Join us to take part in a discussion on opportunities to strengthen climate change adaptation strategies for capacity-building and the economic empowerment of women farmers in Mali and Malawi.
Date: Wednesday 14 March 2018, 4.45–6 p.m. EDT
Location: United Nations Conference Building, Conference Room 11, New York, NY 10017. Enter through the Visitors’ Entrance on 1st Avenue and 46th Street.
Speakers include:
- H.E. Mr. Arouna Modibo Touré, Minister of Digital Economy and Communication of Mali
- H.E. Ms. Traore Oumou Touré, Minister of Promotion of Women, Children and Family of Mali
- H.E. Mr. Christian Braun, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the UN
- H.E. Dr. Jean Kalilani, MP, Minister of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare of Malawi
- Mr. Anderson Chikomola, Deputy Director of Agriculture Extension Services of Malawi
- Ms. Michèle Sabban, Honorary President of R20 and President of the Green Fund for Women
- Mr. Yannick Glemarec, ASG and Deputy Executive Director, Policy and Programme, UN Women
Moderator: Ms. Izeduwa Derex-Briggs, UN Women Regional Director for East and Southern Africa
This event is open to UN-accredited media.
Note: If you wish to attend this event, you must RSVP using this link or write to Antoine Perez by 11 March 2018. Due to increasing security restrictions at UN headquarters, UN Security will only admit those whose name will be printed on the admission ticket and who will be carrying a valid, state-issued ID. Registered participants will be contacted by email with instructions on how to pick up tickets prior to the event.