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In this case study series, UN Women and the Luxembourg Stock Exchange join forces to assemble practical fact sheets on a diverse selection of innovative financing…
This policy paper highlights how the linkages between violence against women and girls and climate change have been integrated in the agreed conclusions and recommended…
This paper argues for investing in free universal high quality childcare services in order to reduce gender inequality in earnings and employment. It estimates the…
This report explores some key indicators of women’s economic empowerment in labour markets and women’s political participation and economic leadership in the Indian…
This report examines the roles of women in fisheries and aquaculture in countries of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) and the challenges and opportunities for…
Analysing data from 11 national household surveys, this research found that, while women typically earn less than men and pay more in transfer fees, the average…
Across sub-Saharan Africa, the agricultural sector remains critical to local and regional economies. Based on original research in five countries (Ethiopia, Malawi,…
This policy brief reviews the effects of cash transfers on the rights and capabilities of adolescent girls and boys, using a gender and capability lens and focusing on…
This report provides a unique quantification of the costs in terms of lost growth opportunities and an estimate of what societies, economies, and communities would gain…