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This report summarizes the key findings and lessons learned of the application of the UN Women–ILO policy tool, “How to assess fiscal stimulus packages from a gender…
This guidance note synthesizes UN Women’s gender-responsive procurement research in Brazil, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Senegal, and South Africa to inform policy…
This brief primarily focuses on providing a better understanding of the experiences of a diverse group of women with disabilities during the COVID-19 crisis in Nigeria.…
This paper argues for investing in free universal high quality childcare services in order to reduce gender inequality in earnings and employment. It estimates the…
This edition of the “UN Women impact stories” series includes stories of UN Women’s selected programmes to end violence against women and girls across the world,…
Complementing the Global Humanitarian Response Plan for COVID-19, this accompanying gender programme from UN Women seeks to support the whole of the humanitarian system…
Analysing data from 11 national household surveys, this research found that, while women typically earn less than men and pay more in transfer fees, the average…
Grounded in a series of case studies from research and programming experience, this report offers a comprehensive framework for understanding how gender, climate, and…
This study ascertains the levels of existing funding flows to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, and the impact of shortfalls on global humanitarian…