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This paper looks to the impact migrant status has caring for children, how state policies support or obstruct the care of migrants’ children, how migration reshapes the…
This report on UN Women’s Global Flagship Programme Initiative, Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces, shares achievements gleaned from various participating city…
The International Men and Gender Equality Survey is the first multi-country study of its kind and size in the Middle East and North Africa. Coordinated by UN Women and…
Radicalization has become a growing concern in Jordan, which remains stable amidst regional tensions, but is not immune to radicalization threats. Women and Violent…
UN Women Jordan’s cash-for-work programme in refugee camp settings—as part of its holistic response to the Syria crisis, seeks to restore dignity and normalcy to…
Focusing on grantee case studies in Lebanon, this research series offers a more nuanced look at the opportunities and barriers to women’s economic empowerment in…
This brief summarizes the Fund for Gender Equality's three-country research series which focuses on grantee case studies in Guinea, Lebanon and Sudan. It offers cross-…
This report identifies some of the key trends and critical issues for the Indian Ocean Rim Association Member States to address in support of women’s substantive gender…
This publication is an inter-agency assessment of gender-based violence, including forced or early marriage, and child protection issues among Syrian refugees in host…
The UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women's Regional Fact Sheets present an overview of the Trust Fund's grant-making in five regions: Africa; Asia and the Pacific…