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This paper looks to our understanding of the gendered implications of rural land dispossession through a comparative analysis of five cases that were driven by different…
This paper explores gender differentials in labour market outcomes covering key areas such as occupational segregation, informality, part-time work and gender wage gaps…
Overview of UN Women's Buy from Women Enterprise Platform that links women farmers to information, markets and finance. Includes information on the major system features…
The survey confirms that UN Women publications are widely useful to a diverse audience including the UN agencies, NGOs and CSOs, policy makers, development agencies,…
The purpose of this publication is to showcase emerging good practices of promoting women’s participation in the extractive industries sector that have been successfully…
Commissioned by UN Women Ethiopia, this national assessment identifies and evaluates existing rehabilitation and reintegration service providers for women and girl-…
Transforming Equality: UN Women in Eastern and Southern Africa presents a glimpse into some of the activities and programmes lead by the regional office that have had…
Focusing on grantee case studies in Sudan, this research series offers a more nuanced look at the opportunities and barriers to women’s economic empowerment in three…
Focusing on grantee case studies in Guinea, this research series offers a more nuanced look at the opportunities and barriers to women’s economic empowerment in three…
This brief summarizes the Fund for Gender Equality's three-country research series which focuses on grantee case studies in Guinea, Lebanon and Sudan. It offers cross-…