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This series, updated quarterly, illustrates the human impact of UN Women’s work across the world, highlighting the partnerships that make this work possible. These…
This research uses participatory methodologies to explore the experiences of diverse crisis-affected women around gender-transformative change in four humanitarian…
Complementing the Global Humanitarian Response Plan for COVID-19, this accompanying gender programme from UN Women seeks to support the whole of the humanitarian system…
Analysing data from 11 national household surveys, this research found that, while women typically earn less than men and pay more in transfer fees, the average…
Grounded in a series of case studies from research and programming experience, this report offers a comprehensive framework for understanding how gender, climate, and…
This study ascertains the levels of existing funding flows to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, and the impact of shortfalls on global humanitarian…
We know that violent extremism has gendered impacts. But how do gendered power relations influence violent extremism, including why individuals join extremist groups,…
This publication illustrates in a practical way how participating cities of the Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces Global Initiative are working to implement women’s…
This study, based on data from 59 low- and middle-income countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Central and Southern Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa, finds that…
This research paper explores the connection between gender and age inequality and disaster risk, examining evidence at a global level, and in three case study countries…