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Based on research and lessons learned from the joint UN Women–European Union project, “Promoting and protecting women migrant workers’ labour and human rights: Engaging…
The participation of women in decision-making in peace processes is one of the pillars of UN Security Council resolution 1325. The Philippines has seen robust women’s…
This CEDAW-based legal review of the Magna Carta of migrant workers and the anti-trafficking laws in the Philippines is indispensable to give concrete recommendations on…
This review comprised chiefly of desk research. To determine whether the Philippines has complied with its state obligations, the study used the UN-identified CEDAW…
This Guide discusses how migration is mainstreamed into the Philippines development framework, particularly from a gender perspective. This requires mainstreaming M…
UN Women Asia-Pacific's first interactive annual report highlights key achievements in the region.
Based on the research paper on Gender-Sensitive Remittances and Asset-Building in the Philippines, this policy brief aims to present a set of gender-sensitive policy…
This fact sheet provides information on Filipino women migrant workers, policy analysis of migration management and provide suggestions for potential areas of policy and…
This paper analyses the trends in labour market outcomes of women and men in China in the decade after its accession to the World Trade Organization. It was produced for…
This paper provides an in-depth analysis of trends in labour market outcomes of women in India. It was produced for UN Women's flagship report Progress of the World's…