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Towards a logical framework methodology with a gender perspective contains the main elements for mainstreaming gender in planning the public budget in Mexico, explains…
This booklet presents the cases of Australia, South Africa, Ecuador, Italy, Morocco, Nepal and the earmarking of resources in Mexico, and focuses on successful tools to…
Conceptual references for gender-responsive budgeting explains basic concepts such as gender, public budget, gender, gender equality, gender-responsive budgeting. It…
The publication is an introduction to the process of mainstreaming gender in public budgeting and synthesizes the Mexican experience, from signing international human…
The Latin American Model Protocol for the investigation of gender-related killings of women is a practical tool, designed to be applied by the people responsible for…
To promote and protect the rights of migrant workers, as well as develop legal frameworks that are in line with international standards on human rights, this guide seeks…
The UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women's Regional Fact Sheets present an overview of the Trust Fund's grant-making in five regions: Africa; Asia and the Pacific…
This inter-agency study is a call to action based an overview of existing evidence from Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America. It highlights that the forms and nature…
This Briefing Kit “Domestic Workers Count Too: Implementing Protection for Domestic Workers,” is informed by the experience of struggle, resilience and creative practice…
The report analyses evaluations carried out in the region from a gender equality and human rights responsive evaluation approach looking at their achievements and…