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This research report, the second edition to ‘The Full View: Advancing the goal of gender balance in multilateral and intergovernmental processes’ (2013), examines…
The CSW60 Agreed Conclusions laid out the strategy and road map for gender-responsive implementation of all Sustainable Development Goals. “Driving the Gender-…
In the third issue of “TRANSFORM — The magazine for gender-responsive evaluation,” the UN Women Independent Evaluation Office aims to make more accessible good practices…
Training for Gender Equality: Twenty Years On analyses how training for gender equality has evolved from the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action (PFA) to the present day.
The Beijing Platform for Action mandates the full participation of women in the decision-making, including within the UN system. Twenty years later, statistical trends…
Progress, challenges and lessons learned on realizing gender equality, the empowerment of women and human rights of women and girls in the post-2015 context are analysed…
Considered the most progressive blueprint ever for advancing women's rights, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action has been reprinted in this special edition,…

The analytical report and policy brief are based on an analysis of East and Southern African country reports and other relevant documents and offers a snapshot of regi