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CEDAW for Youth is a youth-friendly version of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. This resource explains why CEDAW is…
The “Global guidance on addressing school-related gender-based violence”, developed by UN Women and UNESCO, provides key information to governments, policy-makers,…
The briefs included in this package aim to present in a friendly way the essential strategies for addressing violence against women in general, preventing violence, and…
This short advocacy briefing aims to highlight some of the costs to national economies and households of violence against women and girls. It also gives some examples of…
Commissioned by UN Women Ethiopia, this national assessment identifies and evaluates existing rehabilitation and reintegration service providers for women and girl-…
This review comprised chiefly of desk research. To determine whether the Philippines has complied with its state obligations, the study used the UN-identified CEDAW…
Reparations for conflict-related sexual violence remain a pressing issue in many parts of the world. The Conflict Did Not Bring Us Flowers brings the voices of survivors…
Radicalization has become a growing concern in Jordan, which remains stable amidst regional tensions, but is not immune to radicalization threats. Women and Violent…
The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women 2015 annual report describes the impact and key achievements of the Fund in 2015 and highlights some of its key results…
Transforming Equality: UN Women in Eastern and Southern Africa presents a glimpse into some of the activities and programmes lead by the regional office that have had…