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“Progress of the world’s women 2015–2016” brings together human rights and economic policymaking, and provides the key elements for a far-reaching new policy agenda that…
In 2014, the Future Policy Award celebrated laws and policies that contribute to ending one of the most pervasive human rights violations: violence against women and…
Prosecutors play a critical role in the criminal justice response to violence against women and girls. In December 2010, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the…
The Latin American Model Protocol for the investigation of gender-related killings of women is a practical tool, designed to be applied by the people responsible for…
The Annual Report documents the UN Trust Fund’s work around the world, reviewing the accomplishments of 2013 and offering perspectives on the questions confronted by…
This publication introduces the work of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, documenting examples of the work of partners, and project results.
This brochure summarizes UN Women’s Strategic Plan 2014–2017 and presents the organization’s vision, goals and plan of action in a number of critical areas to support…
Since the initial eruption of violence in December 2013, the humanitarian situation has deteriorated sharply in South Sudan. An estimated 959,000 people are internally…
Violence against women in politics is rampant in South Asia according to a new study conducted by the Centre for Social Research and UN Women. The study, ‘Violence…
During 2012-2013, the UN Women Independent Evaluation Office undertook a corporate thematic evaluation of UN Women contribution to preventing violence against women and…