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This paper provides a brief overview of the existing data and evidence on online and technology facilitated VAWG, outlines some of the key developments, gaps, challenges…
The Taliban’s position on women’s rights has been central to its worldview and vision for society. This gender alert documents how changing dynamics in Afghanistan are…
This internal resource guide seeks to provide preliminary guidance to UN Women in advancing its focus on the human rights of people with diverse sexual orientations,…
This research paper and policy brief explore what women’s meaningful participation in transitional justice means and “looks like” in policy and practice. The…
In the first “gender alert” since the Taliban took over Kabul on 15 August 2021, UN Women brings gender data and analyses on the impact of the rapidly evolving context…
UN Women partnered with the Inter-Parliamentary Union to prepare a handbook on gender-responsive law-making. This handbook aims to serve as a resource for lawmakers from…
Environmental emergencies threaten to destroy lives, economies, cultures, and societies. They harm a wide range of human rights, with differential effects based on…

This paper examines the characteristics of past and contemporary feminisms and dissects the issues with periodizing feminism in terms of “waves”. Part two…

This resource analyses Twitter data on the use of the hashtag #MeToo in different countries. Research was conducted in cooperation with UN Global Pulse, the Secretary-…
This discussion paper aims to address the limited scope of discussions and actions relating to the lives of women with disabilities and sexual harassment. It calls for…