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This guidance note synthesizes UN Women’s gender-responsive procurement research in Brazil, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Senegal, and South Africa to inform policy…
This publication explores the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s economic empowerment in the tourism sector which has disproportionately affected women due to…
In 2021, the Independent Evaluation Service condcuted the corporate evaluation on UN Women’s policy advaocy work. The evaluation team assessed the relevance,…
The report presents the evidence-based business case for gender-responsive procurement. It makes the case for companies to rethink their procurement practices, framing…
This policy paper explores the multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination faced by racially marginalized women, rooted in systemic racism, sexism, and other…
This brief analyses the extent to and ways in which countries in sub-Saharan Africa have made extensive use of social protection instruments to confront the economic and…
This publication summarizes the key challenges women-owned and women-led businesses are facing when competing for public procurement opportunities and presents the main…
This publication provides practical guidance on how to use sustainable bonds to credibly access financing for projects and strategies that advance gender equality…
UN Women’s tenth anniversary publication, “A decade of daring”, celebrates the milestones of the organization’s first 10 years.
Environmental emergencies threaten to destroy lives, economies, cultures, and societies. They harm a wide range of human rights, with differential effects based on…