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The thematic briefs outline UN Women’s work in key areas, such as peace and security and economic empowerment, focusing on solutions and illustrating selected results.
Based on the research paper on Gender-Sensitive Remittances and Asset-Building in the Philippines, this policy brief aims to present a set of gender-sensitive policy…
This fact sheet provides information on Filipino women migrant workers, policy analysis of migration management and provide suggestions for potential areas of policy and…
UN Women Jordan’s cash-for-work programme in refugee camp settings—as part of its holistic response to the Syria crisis, seeks to restore dignity and normalcy to…
Focusing on grantee case studies in Sudan, this research series offers a more nuanced look at the opportunities and barriers to women’s economic empowerment in three…
Focusing on grantee case studies in Lebanon, this research series offers a more nuanced look at the opportunities and barriers to women’s economic empowerment in…
Focusing on grantee case studies in Guinea, this research series offers a more nuanced look at the opportunities and barriers to women’s economic empowerment in three…
This brief summarizes the Fund for Gender Equality's three-country research series which focuses on grantee case studies in Guinea, Lebanon and Sudan. It offers cross-…
This paper critically evaluates this potential contradiction with a focus on the key financing strategies of trade and investment liberalization, sovereign debt…
This brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on closing the gender pay gap and reducing inequality to promote social justice and extend…