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Want to see what gender equality looks like? Join us for a tour of Equiterra, where all people have equal rights and opportunities, regardless of their gender. This…
Gender mainstreaming is the intergovernmentally agreed global strategy for achieving gender equality. This brochure highlights approaches to and strategies for gender…
This publication focuses on training as preventive intervention. It discusses current thinking on what makes training effective and presents a new framework for…
This working paper provides a basis to review the barriers, risks, and opportunities related to gender and the accessibility and utilization of digital finance, and to…
This discussion paper on cultural change needed to end sexual harassment offers inputs on training, victim-focused work, rational reporting and collective ownership. It…
This discussion paper identifies some of the most prevalent custody and child maintenance regimes in cases of divorce, dissolution of a civil union, and separation of…
This study addresses the percolation and domestication of the United Nations’ “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – Transforming our World” in Germany with a view…
This publication shows that economic growth is an inherently gendered process and that gender-based inequalities can, in fact, be barriers to shared prosperity. It…
This discussion paper provides an updated analysis of gendered economic inequality in high- and middle-income countries. A review of the literature demonstrates that…
This brief summarizes Chapter 2 of UN Women’s flagship report, “Turning promises into action”. Investment in national statistical capacity is central to improving the…