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This action kit is a practical tool directed to actors who want to build an effective system for integrating gender responsive budgeting into the annual state budget…
TRANSFORM Issue 23 summraizes the Corporate Evaluation on UN Women’s work on policy advocacy. Policy advocacy work is central to UN Women’s mission of promoting gender…
The focus in this guide is climate and disaster risk finance and insurance, a thematic area where gender analysis has been less widely implemented than in some other…
Gender mainstreaming continues to be the core strategy for accelerating progress on gender equality and the empowerment of women. This handbook aims to encourage and…
This publication summarizes the key challenges women-owned and women-led businesses are facing when competing for public procurement opportunities and presents the main…
This issue of TRANSFORM summarizes the “Corporate evaluation of UN Women’s UN system coordination and broader convening role in ending violence against women…
This report assesses the status of women in the UN system for the period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2019. It contains recommendations aimed at assisting entities…
Issue no. 20 summarizes the “Effectiveness and efficiency assessment of UN Women flagship programme initiatives and thematic priorities of the Strategic Plan 2018…
Issue no. 19 summarizes the meta-synthesis of “UN Women evaluations: Insights on organizational effectiveness and efficiency”. This meta-synthesis brings…
This training manual will support both UN Women and UN system staff to better approach the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework Engagement (…