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This brief contains observations from the Fund for Gender Equality’s seven-year experience working with civil society. Gender equality is at the forefront of the 2030…
This independent meta analysis is a systematic review of findings, conclusions, lessons and recommendations from high-quality evaluations produced by UN Women’s Fund for…
The Fund for Gender Equality is UN Women’s leading global grant-making mechanism dedicated to support women-led civil society organizations to propel women’s economic…
The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women 2015 annual report describes the impact and key achievements of the Fund in 2015 and highlights some of its key results…
In 2014, UN Women's Fund for Gender Equality (FGE) supported 67 active programmes in 60 countries and reached over 310,000 direct beneficiaries. The 2014 Annual report…
This brochure summarizes UN Women’s Strategic Plan 2014–2017 and presents the organization’s vision, goals and plan of action in a number of critical areas to support…
The UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women's Regional Fact Sheets present an overview of the Trust Fund's grant-making in five regions: Africa; Asia and the Pacific…
Established in 1996 by a UN General Assembly Resolution, the UN Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women is a multilateral mechanism…