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In recent years, we have advanced progressively in the development of a conceptual and methodological basis for improving the processes of programme and project…
During 2012-2013, the UN Women Independent Evaluation Office undertook a corporate thematic evaluation of UN Women contribution to preventing violence against women and…
The biennial MDGs Gender Chart depicts the situation of women and girls in developing regions as reflected in a number of indicators that are used to monitor the MDGs.…
This publication and photo-essay aims at sharing the 'lived experiences' of women and girls in India and works to ensure that the voices of those who remain socially,…
Advancing Gender Equality: Promising Practices — Case Studies from the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund (MDGF) presents lessons and results of specific…
The publication summarizes UN Women’s position paper on the post-2015 agenda, reviews key areas of the Beijing Platform for Action and summarizes the Consensus adopted…
In the midst of a global conversation about the legacy and next steps after the MDGs, UN Women calls for a commitment to achieving gender equality, women’s rights and…
This guidance note provides an overview of issues related to gender equality, women’s empowerment and sustainable energy and provides guidance for UN programming and…
This report takes stock of progress made by countries in Europe and Central Asia in reaching the MDGs and offers decision-makers policy-oriented, operationally feasible…
Gender Justice shows how addressing inequalities, including gender inequality, will be essential to achieving the MDGs.