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This report highlights the global challenges faced by women and provides a roadmap for targeted interventions and policy reforms. The report introduces two new indices:…
Water stress is intensifying, taking tolls on women’s and girls’ time, health, and lives. A feminist approach to the water crisis recognizes the important role women…
This policy brief explores the linkages among gender, migration, and climate change, and provides recommendations to policymakers and practitioners to ensure safe and…
This technical brief analyses SDG Indicator 5.c.1 (proportion of countries with systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment…
This guide provides an overview of key and emerging issues in the gender and sustainable energy nexus, illustrated by research findings and case studies. It has been…
This brochure summarizes UN Women’s strategic note (SN) for Türkiye, 2022–2025, which provides a roadmap for improving the lives of women and girls in Türkiye. The SN…
In this case study series, UN Women and the Luxembourg Stock Exchange join forces to assemble practical fact sheets on a diverse selection of innovative financing…
This is the first report to the UN Women Executive Board on the implementation of the UN Women Strategic Plan 2022–2025. The report highlights early results and shows…
The objective of this series is to analyse and assess global trends in thematic areas across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from a gender perspective. Each…
UN Women’s founding resolution mandates the organization to ensure accountability and gender mainstreaming across the UN system for its work to advance the achievement…