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UN Women and civil society partners in Haiti conducted a rapid gender assessment to shed light on the specific challenges and needs of women and girls in internally…
This report summarizes the key findings and lessons learned of the application of the UN Women–ILO policy tool, “How to assess fiscal stimulus packages from a gender…
UN Women has been documenting the experiences of women in Gaza in a series of gender alerts that look at various aspects of how the war is impacting the daily lives of…
Adolescent girls and young women are the strongest advocates and leaders in the HIV response. This publication documents results, lesson learned, and powerful stories…
Vision impairment is both a contributor to gender inequalities and an outcome of gender inequality. This policy brief provides evidence of gender disparities in eye…
Generation Equality is the world’s leading effort to unlock political will and accelerate investment and implementation on gender equality. At the Generation Equality…
At the 2021 Generation Equality Forum, world leaders and partners committed to eliminating gender inequalities and to financing and implementing laws, policies, and…
The latest available Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 data show that the world is not on track to achieve gender equality by 2030. “Progress on the Sustainable…
The present report is focused on the urgent need to address violence against women and girls in digital contexts, as well as on broader efforts to eliminate violence…
Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 74/235 on women in development, in the present report, the Secretary-General considers global evidence and trends and reviews and…