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The objective of this gender alert is to capture the initial messages conveyed by women’s organizations actively involved in responding to the refugee crisis in Armenia…
This report analyses how UN Women mobilized its regular resources in 2022 to accelerate gender equality and women’s empowerment. Through the presentation of results,…
This publication provides an overview of UN Women’s commitments to the humanitarian community guided by the “UN Women strategic plan 2022–2025”. It highlights areas…
This literature review aims to map the state of research and practice-based evidence on critically engaging with men and masculinities in humanitarian settings and…
This policy brief explores the linkages among gender, migration, and climate change, and provides recommendations to policymakers and practitioners to ensure safe and…
This brochure summarizes UN Women’s strategic note (SN) for Türkiye, 2022–2025, which provides a roadmap for improving the lives of women and girls in Türkiye. The SN…
This report marks the fourth monitoring cycle of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s (IASC) 2017 “Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in…
On 24 December 2022, the Taliban banned women from working in international and national non-governmental organizations, the latest attack in a series of systematic…
This report presents key results achieved by UN Women in close collaboration with partners across crisis and disaster contexts in 2021. Against a backdrop of more…
This policy paper highlights how the linkages between violence against women and girls and climate change have been integrated in the agreed conclusions and recommended…