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This manual provides step-by-step guidance to Parties to United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) on integrating gender issues and promoting gender…
This corporate evaluation assesses the relevance, appropriateness, effectiveness, efficiency, connectedness, and sustainability of UN Women’s approach to humanitarian…
The report details key results achieved by UN Women through its role in humanitarian action in collaboration with its partners in 2018. This spans from promoting…
TRANSFORM Issue no. 13 focuses on the final meta-analysis of evaluations covering the Strategic Plan 2014–2017 cycle. The meta-analysis synthesized information from 39…
This report focuses on the final meta-analysis of evaluations covering the Strategic Plan 2014–2017 cycle. It synthesizes information from 39 evaluations and provides a…
This report details key results UN Women achieved in collaboration with its partners in 2017 by promoting accountability for gender globally and locally, addressing the…
This handbook sets out the rationale for integrating gender equality into the planning and implementation of humanitarian action and provides practical guidance for…
UN Women is committed to ensuring equality among all women, men, girls and boys affected by disasters, both as beneficiaries of humanitarian action and as contributors…
The thematic briefs outline UN Women’s work in key areas, such as peace and security and economic empowerment, focusing on solutions and illustrating selected results.
UN Women Jordan’s cash-for-work programme in refugee camp settings—as part of its holistic response to the Syria crisis, seeks to restore dignity and normalcy to…