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Capacity development is a key intervention strategy of UN Women’s work at national level and is recognized as valuable and very much needed. This corporate independent…
The country portfolio evaluation (CPE) represents a key source of evaluative knowledge that generates evidence of UN Women’s contribution to development effectiveness…
TRANSFORM issue 24 features the corporate evaluation of UN Women’s apporach to innovation. In recent years, UN Women has increased its focus on innovation, based on the…
TRANSFORM Issue 23 summraizes the Corporate Evaluation on UN Women’s work on policy advocacy. Policy advocacy work is central to UN Women’s mission of promoting gender…
This publication is a collaboration between the UN Women’s Independent Evaluation Service and the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health to…
With the aim of continuing to strengthen and support the evaluation function, the UN Women Independent Evaluation Service (IES) has developed an updated version of the…
The Independent Evaluation Service conducted a meta-synthesis of UN Women's evaluations—evidence and lessons on types of UN Women support. This report collates insights…
In 2021, the Independent Evaluation Service condcuted the corporate evaluation on UN Women’s policy advaocy work. The evaluation team assessed the relevance,…
The Rapid gender analysis seeks to draw attention to the gender dynamics in the war in Ukraine—both preexisting and emerging—and draws out recommendations for…
This brief shares key findings from UN Women’s learning process on disability markers, with a particular emphasis on the extra value that markers can add to…