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This issue of TRANSFORM is a special edition, presenting the Independent Evaluation Service’s recent publication on “Good practices in gender-responsive evaluations”. It…
This publication showcases good and promising practices on gender-responsive evaluation approaches and methods by featuring gender-responsive evaluations from UN Women…
This rapid assessment tool presents a practical way to assess progress on achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment in humanitarian contexts.
This publication provides practical guidelines for gender-responsive evaluation management and data collection, structured around the four main evaluation phases. It…
Three-page rapid guide on the key risks affecting women and girls in the COVID-19 pandemic as well as thoughts on how to include gender perspectives in our audits in…
This issue of TRANSFORM summarizes the corporate evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to humanitarian action as part of its Corporate Evaluation Plan. The evaluation…
This issue of TRANSFORM focuses on the meta-synthesis of UN Women evaluations completed during 2017 and 2018. The meta-synthesis reviewed and aggregated insights from 39…
This meta-synthesis reviewed and aggregated insights from 39 evaluation reports completed during 2017 and 2018 against selected development and organizational…
This corporate evaluation assesses the relevance, appropriateness, effectiveness, efficiency, connectedness, and sustainability of UN Women’s approach to humanitarian…
Issue 15 of TRANSFORM focuses on governance and national planning (GNP), an area of work that has contributed to UN Women’s identity and for which it is recognized and…