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This issue of TRANSFORM focuses on the meta-synthesis of UN Women evaluations completed during 2017 and 2018. The meta-synthesis reviewed and aggregated insights from 39…
This meta-synthesis reviewed and aggregated insights from 39 evaluation reports completed during 2017 and 2018 against selected development and organizational…
This corporate evaluation assesses the relevance, appropriateness, effectiveness, efficiency, connectedness, and sustainability of UN Women’s approach to humanitarian…
This report outlines the financial contributions provided by public and private sector partners to UN Women in 2018. The report speaks to the importance of flexible and…
Supported by photos, data, infographics, and individual stories of impact, UN Women's Fund for Gender Equality (FGE) annual report presents main aggregated results…
This report examines UN Women’s experiences implementing a global programme on gender-sensitive transitional justice (2015–2018), funded by the European Union. The…
This brochure showcases some of UN Women’s thoughts and practices around innovation that could accelerate gender equality and women’s empowerment. The examples range…
The core (regular) resources report 2017 provides more insight into who contributes core funding and shows how the funds are used to drive results by highlighting UN…
The GICC is a dynamic partnership between UN Women and key representatives from the private sector, academia and nonprofit institutions focused on developing the…
To build on the current surge in demand for South–South and triangular cooperation and channel it into accelerated action for gender equality and women’s empowerment, UN…