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UN Women and civil society partners in Haiti conducted a rapid gender assessment to shed light on the specific challenges and needs of women and girls in internally…
The war on Gaza remains, among other things, a war on women. Over the past eight months of the war, UN Women has been documenting how the lives of women and girls have…
UN Women has been documenting the experiences of women in Gaza in a series of gender alerts that look at various aspects of how the war is impacting the daily lives of…
This document provides an overview of the situation in Gaza and articulates UN Women’s work as part of its six-month multisectoral response to the crisis. 
This discussion paper provides a “state of the evidence” on social norms change within the field of gender and development. It presents findings from a review of studies…
This document provides a preliminary analysis of the impact on women of the 2023 war in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, outlines UN Women’s humanitarian response to…
The objective of this gender alert is to capture the initial messages conveyed by women’s organizations actively involved in responding to the refugee crisis in Armenia…
This publication provides an overview of UN Women’s commitments to the humanitarian community guided by the “UN Women strategic plan 2022–2025”. It highlights areas…
This literature review aims to map the state of research and practice-based evidence on critically engaging with men and masculinities in humanitarian settings and…
On 24 December 2022, the Taliban banned women from working in international and national non-governmental organizations, the latest attack in a series of systematic…