Calendar of Side Events
NGOs with valid UN grounds passes need not indicate prior interest in attending events unless specified by event sponsors. Side events on UN premises are not ticketed this year unless they are by invitation only.
Please note that side event organizers may make a limited number of tickets available to guests without UN grounds passes. There will be a specified contact email or RSVP link to request tickets in the schedule below for each respective event.
Please check back frequently as times and venues of side events may change.
Mon, 11 March |Tue, 12 March |Wed, 13 March |Thu, 14 March |Fri, 15 March
Mon, 18 March |Tue, 19 March |Wed, 20 March |Thu, 21 March |Fri, 22 March
Monday, 11 March 2019
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Oxfam, Sweden, Tunisia and UN WomenWomen's Economic Empowerment in the Middle East and North Africa - 'Changing Laws, Changing Minds'11 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)
Contact: charlotte.goemans[at]
Benefitting from the participation of a wide variety of stakeholders and experts, the event will offer insights for reforming legislation and reshaping social and cultural attitudes for greater women's economic agency in the Middle East and North Africa. The event will draw upon the OECD-CAWTAR ongoing research on legislative reform for women's economic empowerment across the MENA region. Oxfam brings the practitioners approach to the table through its Conceptual Framework on Women's Economic Empowerment, including practical policy recommendations to increase women's engagement in the labour market. UN Women will share the findings of their research on Understanding Masculinities, which explores attitudes towards gender equality in different MENA economies. Tunisia, a frontrunner on women's rights in the region, will present its recent legal achievements and implementation strategies for women's economic empowerment. The audience will also learn more about Sweden's advanced development cooperation strategies and tools on gender equality, with focus on its support to MENA economies. -
Andorra, Spain, Finland and MoroccoGood practices and mobilization of civil society in the fight against gender-based violence11 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114)
Contact: contact[at] -
UNESCOExhibition: "On Air with Rural Women"11 March, 10:00 AM-06:00 PM
Curved wall, Secretariat Building, First Floor
This exhibition will take place from 11 to 22 March at the Curved Wall, First Floor of the secretariat building -
Islamic Development Bank and MDB Working Group on GenderInfrastructure Development as an Enabler in Achieving Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: "The Role of MDBs"11 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)
United Nations Police Division (UNPOL) and American Society of Criminology, Division on Women & CrimeThe Status of Women: The Policing of Conflict and Post-Conflict Areas11 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: chair[at]ascdwc.comBy invitation only -
France and Council of EuropeThe Council of Europe Istanbul Convention: a global instrument for preventing and combating violence against women and girls11 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: raphael.dang[at] -
Zambia and The Friedrich Ebert StiftungPanel Discussion: Promoting Rights-based Social Protection Policies for Gender Equality: A Prerequisite for Social Justice and Sustainable Development11 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)
IndiaKhadi Goes Global11 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: paulomi.un[at] -
KenyaSocial Protection: Transforming the Social Economic Landscape for Women, Girls and Other Vulnerable Groups11 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 1 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)Contact: DivaYancey[at]
This side event is organized by the Republic of Kenya and will showcase model actions towards ensuring that challenges affecting women and girls' equality and empowerment are addressed through social protection initiatives resulting from the adoption of regional and international frameworks. -
NetherlandsWomen in the Media11 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)
The Gambia, Pakistan, Qatar and Family Watch InternationalSocial Protection: Making it work for families to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls11 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)
BahrainPrincess Sabeeka Bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa's Global Award for Women Empowerment Bestow Ceremony11 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
ECOSOC Chamber - Conference Building (max. capacity: 581)Contact:[at] -
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Key note speakers include the Minister of Gender Equality of Sweden, H.E. Åsa Lindhagen and the Minister for Women, Children and Youth of Ethiopia, H.E. Yalem Tsegaye. Panelists include Ms. Purna Sen, Executive Coordinator and Spokesperson on Sexual Harassment and other forms of discrimination. UN Women and Mr. Ulf Hjerppe of the Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority. The panel discussion will explore different experiences in working with social norms, infrastructure services as well as legislation on sexual violence. What roles do governments have in changing norms or promoting a culture of consent, and what constitutes effective sexual violence legislation? -
UkraineImplementation of the resolution 132511 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
Slovenia, Sweden, Germany, UN Women, Council of Europe and European Women's LobbyBuilding safe and empowering digital spaces for women and girls11 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)
Contact: slovenia[at]
Over half of the world's population is online. Social media use continues to grow rapidly, especially among young generations. Accessibility and the use of the Internet and social media in today's world has made us more connected, better informed and has revolutionized the way we communicate. Information and communications technologies have also contributed to the rise of online/cyber violence and harassment. The event will thus focus on how to address and prevent this phenomenon also by showcasing good practices on combating cyber violence against women and girls. -
Qatar, Pakistan, Canada, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)Rehabilitation, and Reintegration of Women Formerly Associated with Terrorist Groups11 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114)
Contact: eventspmun[at]
This event will be viewed live via UN Webcast If you need a pass to enter the UN for this event please rsvp by 7 March 2019 at -
Estonia, Sierra Leone, Canada and LiberiaThe prevention of sexual and gender-based violence and the role of ICT11 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: siiri.lind[at]
The side event "The prevention of sexual and gender-based violence and the role of modern technologies", aims to unite collective strengths and insights in addressing matters associated with the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence, including the incorporation of ICT as a means of communicating information and providing support. Another aim of this side event is to highlight the importance of combatting the stigma associated with sexual and gender-based violence. -
Australia and the Australian Human Rights CommissionSexual harassment in the workplace - a global perspective11 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)
We will not be taking RSVPs for this event. Access will be granted on a first come basis. -
Spain and Socialist International WomenGender Equality and Sustainable Development: how to empower women and girls to have access to public services.11 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131) -
LiechtensteinModern Slavery and Human Trafficking: Effective Responses for Women and Girls11 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
ECOSOC Chamber - Conference Building (max. capacity: 581) -
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), UNFPA, UN Women, UNICEF and EUHigh-level panel - From Data to Policy and Action: Regional findings and recommendations of the OSCE-led Survey pn the Well-being and Safety of Women in South-East Europe and Eastern Europe11 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: dusica.djukic[at] -
Islamic Development BankMicro-Insurance a Means to Women's Empowerment11 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)
Albania, Italy, Greece and UN WomenAdvancing Social Entrepreneurship as a Women Economic Empowerment Enabler11 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: enian.lamce[at]
In order to accelerate the achievement of the SDG's in all the countries, UN is coordinating efforts with state institutions to fulfill obligations deriving from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are crucial to the success of the 2030 Agenda. The empowerment of women and girls is critical driver for accelerating progress on sustainable development and gender equality, with no one left behind. SMEs are across all regions the highest full-time permanent employer for women. As social enterprises they contribute to helping keep people at risk of social exclusion involved to the labor market. Moreover, the share of women's employment, particularly in SMEs is strongly connected with the per capita income of a country. The progress achieved so far In Greece and Italy and the efforts made in Albania in finding innovative solutions to social issues through social enterprises have been proven to be a very successful in this regard. The progress achieved needs to be promoted and consolidated. Good political will, policies, affirmative actions and concrete financial commitment are key for ensuring sustainability and building good models which will enable social enterprises to support social and circular initiatives in a more transparent and participative way. -
Estonia, Sri Lanka, United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)Infrastructure and Sustainable Development: How infrastructure can better contribute to the achievement of SDG 5 and the advancement of women11 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: ellew[at]
The governments of Sri Lanka, Estonia, as well as UNOPS and SIDA have co-organized this side event to bring together a group of leading experts to explore how to ensure that infrastructure development contributes effectively to the advancement of women and the attainment of SDG 5 'achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls'. As infrastructure is never gender-neutral, the discussions will explore why it is important to consider the needs of women in all stages of project development - from preparation and planning to implementation and close-out. Opportunities and challenges posed by basic infrastructures, such as roads, bridges, electricity, water, transportation, public facilities as well as modern infrastructures, such as information and communication technologies will be examined. The focus will not only be on infrastructure projects but also on other initiatives where the use of infrastructure may be a supporting or side-activity. We will draw upon country-specific experiences to explore a number of key evidence-based choices and activities available to those trying to mainstream equal opportunities into infrastructure development and the role and opportunities of infrastructure to achieve gender equality. To support this aim, UNOPS and the University of Oxford will launch a new publicly available tool to help look at project outputs and understand what activities can be completed to improve their positive influences on the communities they serve. The tool will initially aid in the design and implementation of infrastructure endeavors to support governments realize their ambitions for SDG 5 'Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls', and ultimately support the achievement of the remaining Sustainable Development Goals. -
UNGEI, AU/CIEFFA and UNICEFImproving educational outcomes for girls and women on the move11 March, 04:00 PM-06:00 PM
Danny Kaye Visitors Centre, UNICEF House, 3 United Nations Plaza, 44th street between 1st and 2nd New York City
Rwanda, Bangladesh, Namibia, Kenya, International Trade Centre (ITC), and supported by the United KingdomTracking The Walk: Measuring Progress On Women's Economic Empowerment11 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: ITCNewYork[at]intracen.orgNo more reservations
To make progress on SDG 5, we need a better approach to measuring economic empowerment. There is currently no single source that provides quantifiable, measurable, and comparable indicators across countries related to both trade and gender. Join us to delve into the successes and challenges of new initiatives from governments, international organisations and businesses in tracking progress on the economic empowerment of women. Speakers include: - Hon. Doreen Sioka MP, Minister Minister of Gender Equality and Child Welfare, Namibia - Hon. Mohibul Hassan Chowdhoury, MP, Deputy Minister for Education, Bangladesh - Joanna Roper, Foreign and Commonwealth Office's Special Envoy for Gender Equality, United Kingdom - Rose Rwabuhihi, Chief Gender Monitor, Rwanda - Joyce Mutinda, Chairperson, National Gender & Equality Commission, Kenya - Dorothy Tembo, Deputy Executive Director, International Trade Centre - Mayra Buvinic, Senior Fellow at Center for Global Development and Data2X, UN Foundation - Kate Grantham, Institute for the Study of International Development, McGill University - Judith Fessehaie, SheTrades Initiative, International Trade Centre -
UN-HabitatTackling Gender Inequality through Improved Mobility11 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: david.thomas[at] -
EcuadorPaid domestic work and social protection systems for gender equality and the empowerment of women in Latin America and the Caribbean11 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: fgarciap[at]
Panel will discuss paid domestic work and social protection systems for gender equality and the empowerment of women in Latin America and the Caribbean. -
Georgia, Sweden and UN WomenNurturing future human capital through equality between girls and boys11 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
ECOSOC Chamber - Conference Building (max. capacity: 581)
Finland, Zambia and African Union (AU)Right holder. Carer. Worker. Mother. Social Protection for Women's Rights - Enhancing Social Protection Especially for Mothers11 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)The purpose of the side event is to discuss social protection practices that are relevant for girls and women and especially for mothers. Various national social protection systems, displaying diverse paths to realizing the universal right to social protection, are highlighted in the session by examples. The event underscores the importance of women's and girl's individual rights for social protection as a means for realizing gender equality. The side event will include presentations of quality daycare services and maternity and child health care clinics in Finland and from the health system in Zambia. The side event will introduce and discuss social protection practices and questions in partner countries. The programme will approach social protection from the perspective of the multiple roles of women, especially mothers, as right holders, carers and workers. Social protection needs to be designed and implemented in a way that recognizes and addresses these multiple and intersecting roles. -
Millennium Hilton Hotel, East 44th Street and 1st Avenue, New YorkContact: abaretto[at] -
Niger and FADSocial protection of Niger girl in school to ensure her empowerment11 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)
Armenia and The Armenian Relief SocietyDeveloping Infrastructure and Access to Public Services to Improve Gender Equality11 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: armenia[at]
Panel discussion on Developing Infrastructure & Access to Public Services to Improve Gender Equality -
SwitzerlandClosing the gender pay gap11 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114)Contact: cristina.verones[at]
Globally, and in every sector of the workforce, women are paid less than men for doing work of equal value. Unequal pay is one of the most persistent barriers to women's success at work and to economic growth, and a critical problem that has been prioritized in the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in particular SDG 8.5 and 5. Equal pay, in addition to empowering women, can have a significant impact on achieving other key goals, such as promoting inclusive societies, reducing poverty, and creating conditions for decent work and gender equality. The Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) is currently the only multi-stakeholder partnership working to reduce the gender pay gap at the global, regional and national levels. The EPIC Steering Committee is currently chaired by Switzerland with members including Canada, Germany, Iceland, Jordan, New Zealand, Panama, South Africa, ILO, OECD, UN Women, the International Trade Union Confederation, the International Organisation of Employers as well as a number of private sector companies and civil society. By joining EPIC, stakeholders demonstrated their commitment to achieving SDG 8.5 and gain access to an invaluable network of support and expertise. This side event will provide an opportunity for high-level country representatives and private sector entities to present to the international community their commitment, actions and future perspectives in support of EPIC.
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
Canada, Ecuador, Estonia, UNICEF, UNFPA and Plan InternationalHigh-Level Intergenerational Policy Dialogue, NO GIRL LEFT BEHIND: Age and Gender Responsive Approaches to Social Protection, Access to Public Services and Sustainable Infrastructure12 March, 08:00 AM-09:30 AM
UNICEF House, (Danny Kaye Visitors Centre), 3 United Nations Plaza, New YorkContact: unofficeny[at]plan-international.orgBy invitation only
In bringing together adolescent girls, policy shapers, and civil society, this intergenerational panel will bring focus to a range of age-specific opportunities to make social protection, public services and infrastructure both age and gender responsive. Focus will be given to education as a cross cutting issue within social and physical infrastructure, and as a platform for social protection and public service delivery. Attention will be given to birth registration and integrated and community-based child protection systems, alongside early child development, adolescent sexual and reproductive health needs and rights, and those with disabilities. And it will highlight ways in which access to water, sanitation and hygiene, energy and transportation, are significant in shaping gender equality outcomes for girls and young women. Across the priority themes, it will identify key opportunities for aligning women's rights and girls' activism and movement building. -
Indonesia, Iran and PakistanIndonesia, Iran and Pakistan Joint Ministerial Panel: Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for women empowerment: Achievements and Challenges12 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100) -
SpainUnpaid work: an obstacle to real equality. Designing and implementing new policies to offer services, social protection and basic infrastructure to achieve real and effective equality12 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: colaboradores.ebd[at] -
Canada and United KingdomInclusive Public Services for LBTI Persons12 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 1 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)Contact: cfc.ccfnu-uncsw.swc[at]
RSVP is mandatory for non-UN grounds pass holders before March 7th -
NGO Committee on the Status of WomenInformal NGO Morning Briefing12 March, 08:30 AM-09:15 AM
Conference Room 4, GA Building -
DGACM, DGC, DMSCP and UN WomenGender-inclusive language fair12 March, 09:30 AM-12:30 PM
2 Locations: UN Secretariat Lobby and UN Learning Center, United Nations Headquarters, New YorkThe interagency working group on gender-inclusive language is organizing a "gender-inclusive language fair" in the framework of the 63th Commission on the Status of Women as a side event for participants and visitors from the UN System, NGOs and civil society. -
World Health Organization, Japan, Thailand, the International Alliance of Women, the International Women's Health Coalition, the Elders, and Women DeliverHealth for All Through Women's Human Rights: Ensuring Universal Health Coverage & Social Protection12 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131) -
Jordan, Tunisia and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)Adopting the SDGs to the Local Context12 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 2 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)Contact: Rshoman777[at]
Adopting the SDGs to the Local Context. -
The Republic of Malawi in collaboration with UN-WomenEmpowering Rural Women and Girls: access to education, Health and Social Services12 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: loyce6[at]gmail.comNo more reservations
For those in need of the UN security pass for the Event, kindly RSVP on: by Thursday, March 7, 2019. -
Côte d'Ivoire, Norway, Peru, Tunisia, UK, International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) and Amnesty InternationalCan there be peace and security without women human rights defenders?12 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: sascha.randal[at]
Women human rights defenders dedicate their lives to challenging inequalities and violations that can lead to and occur during conflict. They engage at community, national, and international levels to sustain peace. Women human rights defenders are integral to addressing peace and security concerns. This side event aims to boost the debate on the connection between peace and security and women human rights defenders, and increase understanding of the issue. Civil society speakers will make the case that sustaining peace is not possible without those that defend human rights. -
The GambiaImproving the socioeconomic well-being of women and girls through social protection policies and interventions12 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
DFID, GAGE, UNICEF and ODIEmpowering girls through social protection12 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 1 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)Contact: gage[at] -
EgyptSocial Protection System and Women's Empowerment12 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100) -
NigeriaAddressing inequality and equity through investment in social protection systems for the empowerment of women and girls in Nigeria12 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the UN and Arise FoundationSocial Protection Systems and Access to Public Services in the Fight against Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery12 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: rlandry[at]holyseemission.orgNo more reservations
This panel event will focus on the importance of Social Protection Systems and Access to Public Services in the fight against human trafficking and all forms of human trafficking. There will be presentations on the importance of access to public services both in terms of prevention of trafficking as well as in the rehabilitation and reintegration survivors. There will be experts speaking on the connection between access to education and human trafficking, access to health care and trafficking, access to work and trafficking, and access to religious institutions and trafficking. We anticipate that this event will be full and therefore registration via the website RSVP below would be required. Those who have not registered will be permitted in the room space permitting a few minutes before the event. Please do not RSVP versus the contact email, but through the link below. -
The Ministry of Family, Solidarity, Equality and Social Development of the Kingdom of MoroccoFunds systems, mechanisms for the social protection of women in vulnerable situations12 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: majdamoutchou[at]
Given the crucial importance of the financial support provided by special funds as new social protection mechanisms, and the fact that women constitute a significant proportion of non-beneficiaries of traditional systems of protection based on the principle of social security contributions, and in the informal sector, and in view of the continuing decline in their presence in the labour market compared to men, the creation of direct support funds is a necessary measure to reduce disparities between men and women, as well as to remedy the deficiencies identified by the social protection systems in Morocco. The organization of this activity will be an opportunity to review the Moroccan experience, the practices and experiences of some countries and international organizations on the ground, and to enrich the debate on good practices, strengths and weaknesses of the coverage of all segments of society in the exercise of their rights, including women. The Moroccan experience will be presented by addressing the roles of some support funds for strengthening the social protection of women in vulnerable situations, mainly: - The Social Cohesion Fund, composed in particular of: o Direct assistance program for widowed women in precarious situations with orphaned children; o The Medical Assistance Scheme (RAMED) which guarantees the right of access to medical care for the poor persons, based on the principles of social assistance and national solidarity. o The support program for persons with disabilities, specially its components relating to supporting the schooling of girls with disabilities and supporting income-generating activities for women with disabilities. - The "Tayssir" program and the "One Million Schoolbags" program to support children's schooling and the fight against school dropout. - The Family Assistance Fund, which guarantees the rights of divorced destitute mothers and protects children from homelessness resulting from divorce. - The Rural Development and Mountainous Areas Fund (FDRZM), which aims to reduce territorial and social disparities in the rural areas. -
Finland, Council of Europe and PACESexism, Harassment and Violence against Women Parliamentarians12 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 1 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)You are invited to join this CSW63 side event, organised by the Council of Europe, the Inter-Parliamentary Union and Finland's Permanent Mission to the UN as part of the Finnish presidency of the Council of Europe, to take stock of ongoing legal and policy initiatives to end violence against women in politics and to share experiences and lessons learned from their implementation. The event also aims to strengthen partnerships at global, regional and local levels, as well as to increase the impact of the work and efforts in this area in the presence of high-level panellists, some of whom will share their own experiences as women politicians. -
Permanent Mission of Namibia, SADC Gender Alliance, SADC and UN WomenSharing of Best Practices on Social Protection Systems in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)12 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: lahya.shikongo[at] -
France, Canada and CARE FranceOn the way to Biarritz: Women's Rights at the heart of the G7 Summit12 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 2 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)Contact: raphael.dang[at] -
UNDP and UNFPALet's talk about Sex Work12 March, 01:00 PM-03:00 PM
Orange Café, UNFPA, 605 3rd Avenue, New York -
UNDP, the Government of Switzerland, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), UNCDF, and UN WomenIncreasing Public and Private Investments for Gender-Responsive Infrastructure and Enterprises12 March, 01:00 PM-02:30 PM
Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations, 633 Third Avenue, 29th floorContact: Lucia Fiala ( -
New Zealand and New Zealand Human Rights Commission (NHRI)Access to STEM education and infrastructure careers for women and girls in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands12 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: nzpmunrsvp[at] -
ITALY, JORDAN, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), ITU, ApebiHow can digital technology support gender equality in the MENA region?12 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114)Contact: maurizio.antonini[at]esteri.itNo more reservations -
Dominican Republic, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and UN WomenSocial Protection Floor Initiative with Gender Approach12 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129) -
Permanent Mission of Namibia, SADC Gender Alliance, SADC and UN WomenSharing of Best Practices on Social Protection Systems in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) continued, and with a focus on HIV/AIDS and women and girls12 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: lahya.shikongo[at] -
Executive Office of the United Nations Secretary-General and UN WomenCSW63 Townhall Meeting of Civil Society and United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres12 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 4 - GA Building (max. capacity: 768)Moderated by UN Women Executive Director, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka This annual event, which is hosted in the context of CSW63, is for representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in consultative status with ECOSOC and will be held in Conference Room 4 of the United Nations Headquarters on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 from 1:15 pm to 2:30 pm. The townhall is an opportunity for civil society to engage with the Secretary-General António Guterres and his senior leadership on topics pertaining to gender equality and the work of the UN. The event is part of ongoing dialogue and engagement between civil society organizations and the Office of the Secretary-General. The townhall will also be webcast on for those who are not able to attend in person. A valid NGO UN grounds pass (annual, temporary, CSW63) and a secondary pass is required to access the meeting. Seating is on a first come, first serve basis, space permitting. Secondary passes will be distributed at the GA Visitors Lobby (next to the CSW Information Desk) starting at noon on Tuesday 12 March. Doors to the conference room will open at 12.30pm and only those with valid NGO grounds passes and secondary passes will be allowed entry into the venue. Conference Room 1 will be the overflow room. -
GreeceThe Safety of Women: Penal Mediation in Greek Domestic Violence Legislation12 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: chair[at] -
Czech Republic and Alternativ til VoldWorking with Youth to Combat Gender-based Violence12 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: petra.mervart[at]
Working with Youth to Combat Gender-based Violence. -
GermanyMeeting needs and changing mindsets: The benefits of gender-responsive water and sanitation services for women's rights12 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: anke.stock[at] -
Switzerland and OECDSocial protection and Unpaid care work12 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: cristina.verones[at]
Join us for a discussion on how social protection and public services can promote women's economic empowerment by addressing the unequal distribution of unpaid care work, transforming gender stereotypes, and designing gender-responsive social protection and public service provisions that respond to societies' growing care needs. The event will be an opportunity to hear from a diverse range of national experiences and learn from new OECD research on what works to address unpaid care work, through investments in social protection, public services, and infrastructure and how to promote equal distribution within the household. -
Prime Minister of Iceland and the Nordic Council of MinistersThe Gender Effect of Leave and Care Policies - stronger with dads involved!12 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
ECOSOC Chamber - Conference Building (max. capacity: 581)Contact: unmission[at]
The aim of the panel is showcase what type of public infrastructure investment creates the conditions for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls with reference to lessons learned in the Nordic countries. The Panel will showcase how social policy can contribute to men's increased involvement in childcare and women's increased labour market participation and empowerment that in turn contributes to increased economic prosperity and wellbeing overall. The focus will be on parental leave policies, particularly paternity leave. The ministers will discuss the aims of their parental - maternity and paternity - leave policies and how the implementation of these have influenced gender norms and behaviours of both men and women during the twin-process of creating social acceptance for men as caretakes and transforming ideas around masculinity, making them compatible with the notion of gender equality, which is a key driver for inclusive growth. To allow for a more dynamic and relevant panel, the Minister of Women in South Africa is participating, to address, amongst other things, the engagement of men in enhancing respect for the equal human rights and security of men and women by means of transforming types of masculinity that produce and reproduce gender relations of suppression, exploitation and violence. Many countries in Africa have done pioneering work on this issue, and indeed feminists in Africa were often the first to call for the need for men to be engaged. This inter-regional exchange would create an opportunity for dialogue, which aligns with the aims of The Nordic Gender Effect at Work, which is to share the Nordic experience with other regions. The Icelandic chairmanship of the Nordic Council of Ministers works with UN Women as an organisational partner. Panelists: H.E. Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister, Iceland H.E. Bathabile Olive Dlamini, Minister of Women, South Africa H.E. Eva Kjer Hansen, Minister for Fisheries and Equal Opportunities and Nordic Cooperation, Denmark H.E. Trine Skei Grande, Minister of Culture and Equality, Norway H.E. Eyðgunn Samuelsen, Minister of Social Affairs, Faroe Islands H.E.Åsa Lindhagen, Minister for Gender Equality, Sweden H.E. Päivi Sillanaukee, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland Moderator: Femi Oke, international journalist -
Belgium and Dr. Denis Mukwege FoundationHolistic care for CRSV survivors with the Mukwege Foundation12 March, 3:00 PM-4:30 PM
Trusteeship Chamber - Conference Building (max. capacity: 673) -
HungarySupporting Single Parents as a Means of Women's Empowerment12 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: magdolna.pongor[at]
The number of single parents, and especially single mothers raising their children alone is increasing around the world, and they are often facing considerable challenges in fighting poverty, balancing work and family commitments as well as providing the best outcomes for their children. These challenges constitute serious barriers to gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, as well as to ensuring that all children reach their full potential. The high-level panel will discuss how Governments and UN entities, in partnership with civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders, can support single parents, and especially single mothers and their children. -
League of Arab StatesEnhancing women's role in negotiation processes and building peace and security12 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 1 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571) -
United KingdomSocial protection: sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls12 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: aaron.holtz[at] -
World Bank GroupWomen, Business and the Law12 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
United Nations Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth and World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)#OurStreetsToo. Listen to girls' voices12 March, 04:00 PM-05:30 PM
Westin Grand Central Hotel - Consulate Room, 212 E 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017Contact: Kelsey.Fitzgerald[at]
RVSP to by 11 March -
UNFPASAFETY AND DIGNITY FOR ALL - Mitigating GBV risk and enhancing the response to GBV in protracted crisis setting, across the humanitarian- development-peace nexus12 March, 04:45 PM-06:00 PM
Orange Café, 5F, UNFPA, 605 3rd Ave, New YorkContact: Akiko Sakaue ( -
ArmeniaFrom Equal Rights to Equal Opportunities: Countering Discrimination Affecting Women and Girls12 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 8 - GA Building (max. capacity: 96)Contact: armmissionun[at]
Held on the margins of the 63rd session of the Commission of the Status of Women, the high-level panel will discuss the ways in which non-discriminatory laws and gender equality in legal systems can bring about not only equal rights but also enhance opportunities of meaningful participation of women in public life, access to education, employment and financing. Discussions will also build upon the strategy for the promotion of equality between women and men, girls' rights and empowerment across various regions. -
KuwaitImplementing the SDGs through Women's Empowerment12 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 1 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)The Kuwait National Development Plan (KNDP) for the period 2015-2020 has established a set of goals and targets to empower women politically, economically and socially. UNDP Kuwait and the UN Women Regional Office for the Arab States have collaborated with the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development and the Kuwait University Women Research and Studies Center to support a national program to accelerate the implementation of SDG 5 in the State of Kuwait. The project has set in motion longer-term transformative changes that will enable Kuwait to achieve the ambitious goals set under the women's empowerment agenda of the SDGs. The project focuses on three key areas including: 1) Enhancing women's participation in political and public life; 2) Enhancing women's participation in all economic sectors through increased awareness and application of gender-positive policies to promote women's participation; 3) Making data available to support elaboration of a comprehensive national plan to address violence against women. During this event, speakers will shed the light on the successful delivery of those outcomes within the context of Kuwait National Development Plan, aligned with the implementation of the SDGs. The event will celebrate achievements on building women's capacity politically and economically, as well as the engagement of private corporations with WEP, strategies around eliminating violence against women (VAW), the first reproductive health survey, and active participation in the Kuwait National Voluntary Report with gender sensitive data and statistics. -
Permanent Mission of MaliHigh-Level Panel on "Sustainable Health and Protection Services for Women and Girls in the context of crisis in Mali"12 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
Costa Rica, Chile, Spain, UN Women and Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB)Legislating for Women's Economic Empowerment in Ibero-America12 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: convocatorias[at] -
Bangladesh, Denmark and NGO Committee on MigrationGender Violence: Prevention, Protection and Social Inclusion12 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: shah.asif[at]
Preventing violence against women and girls would promote their inclusion in mainstream socio-economic activities. More protection and incentives through social protection policies and measures will create an enabling environment for these groups to realize their potentials. -
TurkeyThe Role of Women Friendly Policies to Achieve Empowerment of New Generations12 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: friendly.policies[at]
Due to limited room capacity please RSVP to including your name, organization and position (if applicable). If you don't have a UN badge, please RSVP no later than 6 March 2019. -
Belgium, Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OILF)Concertation francophone de haut niveau - Francophone High-Level Meeting12 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Trusteeship Chamber - Conference Building (max. capacity: 673) -
Thailand and Philippines on behalf of ASEAN, UNWOMEN and ASEAN SecretariatGender-Responsive Social protection in ASEAN: Regional action for equality, sustainability and inclusive growth12 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100) -
GermanyDigital Warriors: How Women Are Changing the World Through Digital Activism12 March, 06:00 PM-08:00 PM
German House, 871 United Nations Plaza, New YorkRSVP at -
Burkina Faso, Egypt, The Gambia, Indonesia and ItalyEliminating Female Genital Mutilation by 2030: Scaling Up Communication Strategies and Mobilizing Resources for Effective Response12 March, 06:00 PM-07:30 PM
Visitor's Lobby, United Nations Headquarters -
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)Eye on the target - Up front and personal with the world's poorest people12 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131) -
Argentina, UNFPA, Girls not Brides, PLAN International and Fundacion para Estudio Investigacion de la Mujer (FEIM)NO GIRL LEFT BEHIND: Adolescent Girls in Child, Early and Forced Marriages and Unions in Latin America and the Caribbean12 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114) -
Qatar, International Development Law Organization (IDLO), International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) and the GQUAL CampaignWomen Delivering Justice: Investing in Women Justice Professionals for the Achievement of the 2030 Agenda12 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)The equal and effective participation of women in all aspects of justice delivery is a human right and a crucial element of good governance, reaffirmed by Sustainable Development Goals 5 (gender equality and women's empowerment) and 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions). Despite SDG 16's focus on women's full and effective participation in all levels of governance, including in the judiciary, women judges continue to encounter barriers to their full and effective participation as justice agents at the national and international levels. This event will highlight the contributions of women justice professionals, the barriers they encounter, and the pathways taken in delivering justice. It will call for more commitment on and investment in women justice professionals, reaffirming that women are not only justice seekers, but also justice providers. The event will be informed by IDLO's recent report, Women Delivering Justice: Contributions, Barriers, Pathways. Please RSVP by Thursday, March 7, 2019 at For non-UN Pass holders, a Special Event Ticket (SET) is required to attend the event. Please request your SET in your RSVP email. -
United Republic of Tanzania and the Mkapa FoundationInnovative partnerships in provision of Public Services12 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: tanzania[at] -
ILO, Uruguay and BelgiumThe future of women at work: A road map for gender equality and decent work12 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: pak[at]
RSVP via
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
UNWOMEN, DAWN, FEMNET, Cuba, UruguayCare systems and social protection models: impact on women's rights and autonomy: Reflections from the south.13 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: urudeleg[at]
This event will provide the opportunity to discuss the possibilities of transformation of the social organization of care through the promotion of national care systems within the framework of institutions of social protection. Thus, the proposal is to discuss where care is placed within social protection systems, which are the responsibilities of the State and the experiences of care incorporation in countries from the Global South, including the groundbreaking comprehensive national care system in Uruguay, as well as the lessons learnt in other cases and the possibilities of South-South cooperation initiatives in this field. --- El evento permitirá discutir las posibilidades de transformación de la organización social del cuidado a través de la promoción de sistemas nacionales de cuidado en el marco de las instituciones de protección social. Para ello se propone discutir cómo la dimensión del cuidado se ubica en los sistemas de protección social, cuáles son las responsabilidades del Estado y las experiencias de incorporación del cuidado en países del Sur Global, incluyendo el pionero sistema nacional integrado de cuidados en Uruguay, así como lecciones aprendidas de otros casos y posibilidades de iniciativas de cooperación Sur Sur en este ámbito. -
UNESCO and Permanent Missions of Argentina, the Czech Republic, Japan, Kenya and NorwayInclusive quality education and lifelong learning - key for gender equality and empowerment of women13 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114)Contact: d.kouta-lopatey[at] -
Ghana and African UnionAfrican Women Leadership Network: Social protection for refugees13 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
Saudi ArabiaWomen's Research Centers Role in Forming National Policies13 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
BelgiumWith one voice for the right to abortion13 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129) -
NGO Committee on the Status of WomenInformal NGO Morning Briefing13 March, 08:30 AM-09:15 AM
Conference Room 4, GA Building -
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)Localizing SDG 5.2: Planning and Paying for Local Action Plans to End Gender-Based Violence13 March, 08:30 AM-09:50 AM
UNDP 1507A Conference Room (15th Floor), 304 East 45th StreetContact: diego.antoni[at]
Due to limited space, please RSVP with the link above by March 10 2019 Contact: Diego Antoni <> and Jessica Zimerman <></></> -
The United Nations Global Compact, Bank of Industry, the International Chamber of Commerce, GSMA, the Ford Foundation, and EyowoFin-Tech as a driver of Gender Inclusion13 March, 08:30 AM-12:00 PM
Millennium Hilton Hotel, 1 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017Confirmed Speakers Include: Her Excellency, Former President of the Republic of Malawi, Dr. Joyce Banda Ms. Lise Kingo, CEO and Executive Director, UN Global Compact Mrs. Toyin Adeniji, Executive Director, Microenterprise, Bank of Industry Dr. Dabesaki Mac-Ikemenjima, Head, Women and Girls Empowerment Program, Ford Foundation Ms. Christina Sass, Co Founder and President, Andela Ms. Claire Sibthorpe, Head of Connected Women Programme, GSMA Ms. Adia Sowho, Managing Director, Mines IO -
United Nations Department of Peace Operations (DPO)High-Level Roundtable on Gender Parity and Security Sector Reform: Promoting Peaceful and Inclusive Societies for Sustainable Development13 March, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Permanent Mission of Qatar Institute of International Education, 809 United Nations Plaza,12th Floor (1st Avenue between 45th and 46th street) -
World Bank, International Development Law Organization (IDLO), UN Women and the Task Force on JusticeJustice for Women13 March, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Riverview Room: 28th Floor East Tower, Millennium Hotel, One United Nations Plaza, New YorkLaunch of the High-level Group Report Kindly confirm your attendance to UN Women Rule of Law Advisor Beatrice Duncan at -
ESCWA and UNFPAGuidelines to estimate the Economic Cost of Domestic Violence in the Arab Region13 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Orange Café, 5F, UNFPA HQ, 605 3rd Ave, New YorkRSVP via (with Cc to to facilitate building access for you on the 13th of March -
Iceland on behalf of the Nordic Council of MinistersTOOLS FOR CHANGE: Closing the economic and life course gap13 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: unmission[at]
Inequalities between women and men across the life course have a critical impact on the access to social security and social benefits. Women are particularly affected by those inequalities whereas the interplay between the gender pay gap and the pension gap in OECD countries are cases in point. The gendered gaps are mainly results of part-time work, occupational sex-segregation, lower wages and unpaid domestic and care work. In many countries women also tend to disproportionally suffer from a lack of work-life balance, which can result in increased stress, skeletal diseases and related disabilities influencing their labour market participation, which in turn result in a gender and pension pay gaps. For decades, the Nordic governments have designed measures to promote a more equal participation of women and men in the labour market and better opportunities for both men and women to balance professional and family life. On the social security level, redistributive mechanisms have been applied to pension and social security systems to compensate for the gender gaps in social benefits. The Nordic expert panel aims at highlighting how different Nordic countries have addressed the challenge of the gender gap by using tools such as gender assessment, analysis and mainstreaming to inform their policies and decision making. One example is the introduction of non-transferable parental leave for both mothers and fathers that has proven to ensure more equal parenting and contribute to changes of gender specific roles in the labour market as well as in the family. The expert panel will showcase good practice that could be of value for inspiration to shift global practices to more gender responsive and just social protection systems. List of experts: · Ms. Nanna Højlund, Vice-Chair of the Danish Confederation of Trade Unions and Chairwoman of The Women's Council in Denmark (Gender Gaps in the Danish Labour market: Where are the challenges and how do we address them?) · Mr. Kolbeinn Stefánsson, Senior statistician, Statistics Iceland (Equal Rights to Earn and Care and funding of the parental leave system). · Mr. Thore Hansen, Directorate of Labour and Welfare in Norway (Gender Issues and Redistributive Mechanisms in the Norwegian Pension System to reduce the gender pension gap). · Ms. Hanna Onwen-Huma, Senior Specialist, Gender Equality Unit, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (gender mainstreaming as a tool to ensure compatibility of social security polies with gender equality goals) · Ms. Heini Möller, Head of Unit of Ethics and Compliance at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency's Legal Department (the impact of the integration of gender issues in the entire Swedish Social Insurance's activities real before and after example/s) · Moderator: Ms. Ruti Levtov, Promundo Research Director -
UNICEF and the Global Women's InstituteTraining gender and development professionals13 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: kchriscaden[at]unicef.orgNo more reservations
UNICEF and the Global Women's Institute at the George Washington University propose a CSW63 side event on building the gender capacity of international development professionals. The objective of this session is to discuss the importance of professionalizing the gender and development field through gender training, and explore different approaches to that training. Panelists will share their experiences creating and administering training for gender and development professionals, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches. Critical competencies of gender and development professionals will be discussed. This event is intended for those who are interested in building their own gender capacity, or are interested in building the gender capacity of their team or organization. -
JapanClosing the Gender Gap for New Prosperity - To Implement W20 Recommendations13 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: social2[at]
RSVP by March 7 Please indicate in your RSVP whether or not you have a UN Grounds Pass -
NamibiaNamibia's experience in promoting social protection, public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls13 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
Inter-Parliamentary Union and UN WOMENInvesting in Gender Equality: Parliaments ensuring social protection, public services and infrastructure deliver for women and girls13 March, 10:00 AM-6:00 PM
Trusteeship Chamber - Conference Building (max. capacity: 673)Contact: mgn[at] -
UN Women, the League of Arab States, the National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW), the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW) and the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)Women, Peace and Security National Action Plans in the Arab Region: Lebanon and Jordan13 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100) -
UNDP and African Union CommissionOfficial Presentation of the African Union Strategy for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment 2018 ? 202813 March, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM
Permanent Observer Mission of the African Union to the United Nations Conference Room, 305 E 47th St, New YorkContact: Odette Kabaya ( -
New ZealandWe know what we live: How to better plan and design inclusive sustainable infrastructure13 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: nzpmunrsvp[at]
Reflecting the UN CSW theme for 2019 of sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and Sustainable Development Goal 11 of making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, there is an opportunity to better use gender-specific data in planning and design. We need to ensure that the voices of women and girls contribute to the planning and design of cities and towns, as well as ensuring infrastructure is sustainable and fit for purpose. By doing this we will ensure women's full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life. -
Afghanistan and NorwayAfghan Women and Sustainable Development; Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities13 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: sascha.randal[at]
Afghan women have undergone numerous hardships during almost four decades of armed conflict in Afghanistan. During the Taliban regime, they were deprived of their civil rights, forced to stay at home, abandoned their work, and prevented from getting an education. Although there has been tremendous progress across many sectors in the past 18 years, women still face a lot of hardship in Afghanistan. Disproportionate numbers of women and children are killed or injured in terrorist attacks. They still face social, economic, and cultural barriers which prevent many from achieving their full potential. Nonetheless, Afghan women have always been resilient and been a key part of the development narrative in Afghanistan. This side event focuses on the achievements, challenges, and opportunities for Afghan women. It will discuss how to consolidate the gains, overcome the existing problems, and present a blueprint for the future, while seeking further cooperation from existing platforms through sharing success stories and experiences. -
UN Women, UN SG's Envoy on Youth, Girls Scouts and the Working Group on Girls, WAGGGS, AIESEC, World YWCA, AWID, WE, Restless Development, MenEngage Alliance, ACT Alliance, Rozaria Memorial Trust, FRIDA, Soul City Institute of Social Justice, Plan International, African Women Leadership Network, Afrika Youth Movement, Mexico Women with Disability Movement and the Youth CoalitionHigh Level Intergenerational Dialogue "Take the Hot Seat"13 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 1 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)Contact: Youth.Engage[at]unwomen.orgBy invitation only
Engage with senior Government and UN leaders as they take the "hot seat" and respond to questions on critical issues of achieving social protection, accessible public services and sustainable infrastructure for young people by young people. -
Side event jointly organized by UNCTAD and the Gender and Trade Coalition with the support of OWITEnsuring gender just trade: Challenges and ways forward13 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: unctadny2[at]
Trade policy is not gender neutral. It has a very specific and particular impact on women due to perpetual discrimination and disadvantage experienced by women. Moreover, women are not a homogenous group and, therefore, they are differently impacted by trade depending on their income, position in the labour market, educational level, race, class, countries, etc. If trade policies are designed without taking into account their gender-specific outcomes, these policies risk magnifying existing gender inequalities. The event will provide the opportunity to share perspectives, concerns, lessons learned and recommendations from a wide range of stakeholders on what constitutes gender-just trade for women in the Global South and on how to make trade a tool for inclusive development. -
Sweden, France, SheDecides, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and Le Planning FamilialHow to guarantee universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, as an essential condition for the emancipation of women and girls13 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)How do social protection and public health systems better guarantee and protect sexual and reproductive rights around the world, particularly in countries in economic and social transition? -
Liberia and Women NGOs Secretariat of Liberia (WONGOSOL)Social Protection for Women and Girls in Liberia's New Democracy13 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: gfarngalo[at] -
Governments of Burkina Faso, Canada, Italy and Zambia in partnership with UNICEF, UNFPA and UN WomenAccelerating the elimination of harmful practices to reap the demographic dividend for Africa13 March, 12:30 PM-03:00 PM
Unicef House, 3 United Nations Plaza, New York -
UNFPA, The African Coalition for Menstrual Health Management, The Department of Women, Republic of South AfricaMenstruation as a Social Protection Issue: Improving Menstrual Health Management in Africa13 March, 01:00 PM-02:30 PM
Orange Café, UNFPA, 605 Third Avenue, New YorkProgramme Director: Ms. Ann Erb Leoncavallo - Senior Advisor - UNFPA Session Moderator: Dr. Ntsiki Manzini-Matebula - Chief Director: Social Empowerment and Participation, Department of Women, Republic of South Africa Panelists Speaker 1: Ms. Annete Griessel - Acting Director General, Department of Women, Republic of South Africa Speaker 2: Ms. Nyasha Sithole, Regional Programmes Coordinator - AfriYAN ESA Speaker 3: Ms. Rockaya Aidara, Policy Specialist - Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) Speaker 4: Ms.Danielle Engel, Technical Specialist Adolescent and Youth - Technical Division, UNFPA -
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)Inequality, Women's Empowerment and the SDGs13 March, 01:00 PM-03:00 PM
UNDP offices, Hank Shannon Conference Room, 21st floor, 1 UN Plaza, New YorkDue to limited space, please RSVP with the link above by March 10 2019 Contact: Eugena Song <>, Anna Ortubia <> or Elodie Turchi <></></></> -
Canada, Inter-American Commission of Women of the Organization of American States (CIM) and the Inter-American Task Force on Women's LeadershipWOMEN'S LEADERSHIP IN THE NATIONAL AGENDAS OF THE AMERICAS AND CARIBBEAN13 March, 01:00 PM-03:00 PM
Delegates Dining Room, Conference Building -
European UnionRights of women and girls victims of trafficking: assistance, protection and support13 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: julien.bourtembourg[at]
Please register for the event here, indicating whether you have a UN ground pass: -
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100) -
Ireland and UgandaGender Budgeting: Re-shaping Resources in support of Equality Goals13 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Ireland is currently developing a national model of Equality Budgeting which mainstreams gender equality and other inclusive policy goals within decisions on how public moneys are allocated, and to strengthen the focus upon gender equality within the annual accountability cycle. This panel discussion will seek to examine both the challenges and opportunities of implementing an equality budgeting agenda from the Irish and Ugandan national perspectives, with input provided by the National Women's Council of Ireland and Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) Uganda. -
UgandaHow Uganda's Evolving Social Protection System is Empowering Older Women to Actively Prevent Female Genital Mutilation through the Senior Citizens Grant13 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: maggiekyomukama[at] -
Israel, P51, WeAct & WePowerPrivate Sector Wisdom to Crack Gender Equality13 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114)Contact: UNinfo[at]
The event will focus on what we see as the missing link, in many cases, in the efforts to achieve gender equality in the public space in in the decision-making level: Governments frequently have policies on achieving gender equality which can be effective, but are limited to certain areas in the public domain. When it comes to the private sector and to elected positions, official policies sometimes need to make way for bottom-up approach, in which women make their own way towards achieving equality and taking their place around the table. However, in the present situation, women are often limited in their ability to do that as they lack many of the advantages that men have in an environment that is still very male-dominated. In this side event we will present different models and ways to overcome those challenges, as developed and promoted by women-led NGOs and women entrepreneurs. -
Czech Republic and FranceFamily Care: What Are the Costs to Women and What is the Role of the State?13 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: petra.mervart[at]
Family Care: What Are the Costs to Women and What is the Role of the State? -
AlgeriaPolitical and economic emportent of women13 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 9 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 46) -
KenyaHuduma Mashinani: Accessing Public Services, Leaving No One Behind13 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 1 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)The Kenya Vision 2030, 2nd Medium Term Plan (2013-2018) adopted a one-stop shop- Huduma Kenya integrated service delivery model to transform service delivery by providing citizens' access to various public services and information. Prior to the setup of the Huduma Centres, citizens were required to spend time and money accessing public services from the provincial headquarters. Women, especially those living in rural areas, faced challenges in accessing basic services such as renewal of identity cards, registration of businesses, as well as basic health services. The programme, five years old now, has positively transformed the delivery of public services to citizens of Kenya. Huduma Mashinani is the citizen-centred mobile outreach programme which has been established at all 52 Huduma Centres and serves Kenyans at the grassroots level in all corners of the country including 'hard to reach areas'. Since its launch in 2017, the programme has served over a million people, majority of whom are women. This platform has also drawn key lessons through experience sharing by women who have accessed these facilities. -
DGACM, DGC, DMSCP and UN WomenGender-inclusive language fair13 March, 01:30 PM-03:30 PM
2 Locations: UN Secretariat Lobby and UN Learning Center, United Nations Headquarters, New YorkThe interagency working group on gender-inclusive language is organizing a "gender-inclusive language fair" in the framework of the 63th Commission on the Status of Women as a side event for participants and visitors from the UN System, NGOs and civil society. -
NigeriaFacilitating access to social protection systems, access to public service and sustainable infrastructures for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in Edo State, Nigeria13 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: temitop2012[at]gmail.comBy invitation only -
Cote d'IvoireEmpowerment of rural women in Côte d'Ivoire: challenges and constraints in the cocoa value chain13 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 1 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571) -
Iceland - Nordic Women Mediators Co-hosts: The Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, UNU-Gest and Höfði Reykjavík Peace CentreWomen at the Table! Transformative change - Women shaping the agenda of peace, transitional justice and political agreements13 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: unmission[at]
In peace processes around the globe, women only represent 2% of mediators, 8% of negotiators and 5% of witnesses and signatories, according to data from UN Women and the Council on Foreign Relations. Meaningful inclusion entails women at the table as equal participants, presenting their perspectives, interests and demands. First, how can we create conditions for women to first shape their own agenda by means of consolidating their (different) perspectives, interests and demands into a clear mandate of unified positions? Second, how can women deliver as a united front with the aim of influencing peace agreements, transitional justice and the political agendas while backed and supported from a broad coalition of women? These questions and more will be elaborated upon by the distinguished panelists that include women with mediation, activist, academic and political backgrounds. -
GhanaMainstreaming Gender into Social Protection: The Ghana Story13 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Ghana, like many other countries has recognized Social Protection as a major tool to help address poverty vulnerability and exclusion and has initiated various social protection policies to help address inequalities within the society. This side event is expected share Ghana's story on mainstreaming gender into social protection policies such as productive and livelihood creation interventions. -
Australia together with Male Champions of ChangeTackling domestic and family violence together: the role of the workplace and private sector13 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)We will not be taking RSVPs for this event. Seating is limited and access will be granted on a first come basis. -
Ghana, UN Women, UNOPS, Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO), Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA) and International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)Social protection, public services and sustainable infrastructure: Policy coherence for the empowerment of women in informal employment13 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131) -
Conference Room 9 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 46)Contact: indigenous_un[at]un.orgNo more reservations
Indigenous women are disproportionately represented among people with limited access to social protection. This is directly linked to their none or low level of participation in decision-making at all levels. Many social protection programmes do not sufficiently take into consideration the cultural integrity of indigenous women, including access to services in indigenous languages. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, of indigenous peoples, including indigenous women, with full respect for their cultural identity and indigenous languages; social institutions, customs, traditions, ways of life and development aspirations. The Internation Labour Organization Convention No. 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples as well as the ILO Social Protection Floor Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202) provide specific guidance for the progressive realization of the right to social protection. -
Colombia, Peru, UN Women and BBVA Microfinance FoundationHow financial inclusion and digital transformation can accelerate gender equality and sustainable development13 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Colombia, Peru, UN Women, BBVA Microfinance Foundation and SEGIB HOW FINANCIAL INCLUSION AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION CAN ACCELERATE GENDER EQUALITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 13 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100) The event will showcase how financial inclusion can advance gender equality. To highlight the reality of many rural entrepreneurial women in Latin America, Sandra Mendoza, a Colombian farmer supported by BBVAMF, and Rut Pelaiza, who works for the Financiera Confianza Peru, have been invited to share their powerful narratives on their challenges as women living under vulnerable conditions and how gaining access to financial services has been transformational for their social and economic success. Empowering these women and supporting individual entrepreneurship- so they can overcome barriers to access markets and make their small businesses prosper- are key to improve their lives. Furthermore, technology becomes an essential tool that can also contribute to close gender gaps. Digitalization offers many opportunities and challenges as well, such as adapting these new technologies to present circumstances, and to the needs of the more vulnerable and excluded population segments. Others speakers include: Marta Lucía Ramírez de Rincón, Vice President of the Republic of Colombia Rebeca Grynspan, Iberoamerican Secretary-General Ambassador Guillermo Fernández de Soto, Representative, Permanent Mission of Colombia to the United Nations Ambassador Gustavo Meza-Cuadra, Permanent Representative of Perú to the United Nations Luiza Carvalho, Regional Director of UN Women for the Americas and the Caribbean Javier M. Flores, CEO, BBVA Microfinance Foundation Laura Fernández Lord, Head of Women's Empowerment, BBVA Microfinance Foundation -
Georgia and UNFPAAdvancing gender equality and SRHR: the role of National Human Rights Institutions13 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
SRVAW and Permanent Mission of Croatia to the UN25 years of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women: the femicide watch initiative and the role of international and regional mechanisms in its prevention13 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 1 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)Contact: andrej.dogan[at] -
CanadaEmpowering Women and Girls with Disabilities: How intersectional research and policy development can impact women and girls, including women and girls with disabilities, in Canada and around the world13 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)RSVP via: RSVP is mandatory for non-UN grounds pass holders by 12pm on March 8th -
Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality (IANWGE)Ensuring Women and Girls' Access to Quality and Affordable Social Protection Services: Innovative Approaches to Achieving Empowerment and Equity13 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: catarina.botto[at]
Drawing from recent research and cross-country experiences, the side event will discuss and showcase innovative approaches to address women's and girl's unmet social protection needs. -
Cote d'Ivoire, NGO Regards de Femmes and GOFEHFLes collectivités et les entreprises du secteur privé : quelle responsabilité sociale au service de l'égalité des sexes et de l'autonomisation des femmes13 March, 06:15 PM-07:45 PM
Church Center, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York -
Commonwealth SecretariatUniversal Health Care as a pillar of social protection and gender equality13 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: a.siamomua[at]
The policy dialogue of the 63rd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), would focus on a review theme "women's empowerment and the link to sustainable development" with priority on social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. The proposed Commonwealth side event would focus on the interconnections between policies to move toward universal health care (UHC) as a key element of social protection, and an approach to advance gender equality, women's empowerment and women's rights towards achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and related to specifically SDG 1, 3 and 5. -
UNFPA, Women's Center, Education, Production, Consultation and Solidarity Foundation (KAMER) and Hacettepe University Women's Research and Implementation CenterHLM: Response to Syria crisis in Turkey. Women and Girls Safe Spaces13 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114)Contact: dakkak[at]
UNFPA, together with two of its local implementing partners in Turkey, KAMER (Women's NGO) and HUKSAM (Hacettepe University Women's Research and Implementation Center) will be hosting a session on Women and Girls Safe Spaces (WGSS) model reflecting a multisectoral approach to address the needs of refugee women and girls in Turkey. KAMER, a well-known grassroots NGO in Turkey will present their WGSS experience particularly on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) prevention and response services as well as women's empowerment activities for refugees. HUKSAM will present the WGSS model with a particular focus on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) issues, psychosocial support (PSS) and social cohesion. UNFPA Turkey Office will present the overall humanitarian response of UNFPA in Turkey and how this model works with the state provided primary health care system with a medium to long-term sustainability focus, and explain the complementary actions including supporting Social Services Centers. -
TurkeyThe Role of Institution of Family For Sustainable Social Protection13 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact:[at]
Due to limited room capacity please RSVP to including your name, organization and position (if applicable). If you don't have a UN badge, please RSVP no later than 6 March 2019. -
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)Women Human Rights Defenders13 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 4 - GA Building (max. capacity: 768)Contact: courtis[at]
The Working Group on Discrimination against Women in Law and Practice will convene a major event to discuss ways in which the UN system can better protect and support women human rights defenders. -
UNAIDS and ATHENA NetworkSTEP IT UP! Most Left Behind Adolescent Girls - Turning the Tide on HIV, Ensuring SRHR for All by 203013 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 1 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)Contact: GugliottaS[at]
Step It Up! will put the spotlight on the needs and demands of adolescent girls and young women who are especially marginalized, in all their diversity - living in poverty, with HIV, with disabilities, survivors of gender-based violence, migrants, sex workers, LGBTQI, using drugs, domestic workers, young widows, among others. The fast-paced, dynamic exchange with audience participation will focus on addressing accountability gaps for the most left behind adolescent girls who are especially impacted by HIV and gender inequality in the context of achieving social protection, universal health coverage and the SDGs. To RSVP, please use this link -
United Republic of TanzaniaPromoting Social Protection in achieving Gender Equality and Empowerment of all Women and Girls in Tanzania13 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: tanzania[at] -
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)How can Social Protection Enhance Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Rural Women and Girls?13 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: elizabeth.koechlein[at]
Well-designed social protection schemes can significantly reduce gender gaps in access to health, food, education, and economic opportunities. They can mitigate the effects of discrimination against girl children, the risk of unemployment for pregnant women and mothers of newborn children and can provide a safety net against poverty and lack of care for women at old age. Social protection has also been found to the self-esteem of rural women and their voice in intra-household decision-making as well as promote their participation in social networks. The event will: 1) Raise awareness on gender-sensitive social protection for rural women's economic empowerment, poverty reduction, gender equality and food security and nutrition. 2) Discuss how rural women's participation in social assistance schemes, such as cash transfers and public works programmes enable women to earn wages, accumulate assets and cope with shocks. 3) Share experiences and lessons from effective practices, innovative strategies in enhancing gender equality and empowerment rural women and girls through social protection. 4) Highlight policies and programmes from Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa that focus on rural women in social protection interventions. 5) Present the newly released Toolkit on Gender-Sensitive Social Protection Programmes to combat Rural Poverty and Hunger. Registration for this event is now closed -
South Africa, France and UN WomenMovie screening: WOMAN - Raising voices in media as a weapon of power13 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
ECOSOC Chamber - Conference Building (max. capacity: 581)
Raising voices in media as a weapon of power: Screening and discussion around the film "WOMAN" by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Anastasia Mikova Speakers Mrs. Marlene Schiappa, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister in charge of Gender Equality and Fight against Discrimination of France Mrs. Anastasia Mikova, Director of the film Woman Mr. Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Director of the film Woman Mrs. Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN Women Mrs. Bathabile Dlamini, Minister of Women Affairs of South Africa Mrs. Norma Bastidas, Ultra-marathoner Mrs. Josina Machel, Co-founder of Her-Life Moderated by Mrs. Francesca Donner, The New York Times -
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and The Impact InitiativeDoes poverty stop at employment? Drawing on evidence and research to contribute to the global policy agenda13 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: ruzvidzo.uneca[at]
While gaining access to the labour market can be a powerful and sustainable step out of the poverty trap for women, research highlights the continued need of social protection to go beyond 'cash transfers' and provide emotional support and life skills beyond solely employment. This session, chaired by Thokozile Ruzvidzo, Director, Gender, Poverty and Social Policy Division at the UN Economic Commission for Africa and Keetie Roelen, Institute of Development Studies will be interactive session highlighting evidence from diverse research projects, and connecting it to the experiences of people in the room.
Thursday, 14 March 2019
NetherlandsAdvancing sex workers rights14 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114)Contact: nbrown[at] -
Niger and Zonta InternationalStrengthening systems and services that empower adolescent girl to say no to child marriage14 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: pmorgan[at] -
UNDPThe Role of Parliaments as Partners in Women, Peace and Security14 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: agata.walczak[at] -
Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)Preventing the Trafficking of Women and Girls for Sexual Exploitation: Understanding States Obligations to Address Demand Under the Palermo Protocol14 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: info-cthb[at] -
NGO Committee on the Status of WomenInformal NGO Morning Briefing14 March, 08:30 AM-09:15 AM
Conference Room 4, GA Building -
UNDP, UN Women, UNFPA and ESCWAGender Justice and the Law: Implications of Inequality Before the Law for Social Protection and Women's Empowerment14 March, 09:30 AM-12:00 PM
UNDP offices, Hank Shannon Conference Room, 21st Floor, 1 UN Plaza, New YorkContact: Marta Vallejo ( -
ITALY and Federazione Italiana Donne Arti Professioni e Affari - Business and Professional Women (FIDAPA BPW-Italy)Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls14 March, 09:30 AM-11:00 AM
Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations, 885 2nd Avenue, 49th floor, New YorkContact: maurizio.antonini[at]esteri.itNo more reservations -
UNGEI, YCSRR, and UNFPAComprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) for Youth: A key to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls14 March, 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Danny Kaye Visitors Centre, UNICEF House, 3 United Nations Plaza, 44th street between 1st and 2nd New York City -
Cote d'IvoirePanel de discussion sur la certification biologique du karité14 March, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Permanent Observer Mission of the African Union, 305 E 47th St, New York -
EcuadorCoalition of Consuls of Latin America in New York (CLACNY)14 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
Trinidad and Tobago and the Inter-Parliamentary UnionCritical Mass to Gender Parity - Women in Decision-Making Do Make a Difference!14 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: ny-office[at] -
ZimbabweCommunity based initiatives for building resilience and social security for women14 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: srchekeche[at]
Theme: Social protection systems access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender and the empowerment of women and girls. Access to public services is the pillar for building resilience and sustainable social security for women and girls. -
Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine and the Women's Center for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC)Women in Jerusalem and the social protection schemes provided for Palestinian women14 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: nadia712[at] -
Finland, Grenada, Viet Nam, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and UN WomenInfrastructure that Works for Women: Gender Dimensions of Energy and Industry14 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: H.OZAKI[at] -
Republic of Colombia, Dominican Republic and UNDPHigh-Level Roundtable: Gender Equality in Public Institutions for Sustaining Peace14 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Amartya Sen Room, UNDP, 304 E 45th St (10th floor)Contact: gepa[at]
The event will serve as an occasion for participants to share experiences and reflect on the implications of gender equality in public institutions for sustaining peace. RSVP to Please note that space is limited. Watch the livestream on iKNOW Politics: -
EthiopiaSustainable infrastructure to unleash the potential of Ethiopian women and girls14 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: hisu2003[at]
This side event aims to show Ethiopia's best practices on the contribution of health extension services, the development of child care centers in public institutions, hostel facilities for rural girls, and the development of one stop centers and rehabilitation and training centers for survivors of gender based violence in regards to women and girl's empowerment in Ethiopia. -
Japan, the National Women's Committee for the UN NGOs, the International Women's Year Liaison Group, and Japan Women's Watch (JAWW)Social inclusion for women being independent - A Room of One's Own in 201914 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: csw3ngosjp[at]
We will welcome your information about the obstacles and/or social protection systems of your countries. -
Economic Community of West African States(ECOWAS)ECOWAS Side Event14 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129) -
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)SIERRA LEONE'S PATHWAY TO WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT -
Lithuania, France, Members States of the Group of Friends for the Protection of Journalists, Reporters Without Borders, Committee to Protect Journalists, and the International Women's Media FoundationJournalism and the empowerment of women: new challenges in the digital world14 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
ECOSOC Chamber - Conference Building (max. capacity: 581)Contact: nicolas.normand[at] -
UgandaEnding Violence Against Children through Effective Social Protection Services14 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: maggiekyomukama[at] -
ITALY, GREECE, ZAMBIA, UN-WOMEN, COUNCIL OF EUROPEThe use of new technologies for the promotion of work-life balance and the advancement of family policies for the social inclusion of women and men14 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114)Contact: maurizio.antonini[at]esteri.itNo more reservations -
Argentina, Malta, the European Union and Outright Action InternationalTransgender and Gender Non-Confirming People and Access to Public Services: Challenges and Best Practices14 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: julien.bourtembourg[at]
An event by the EU, Argentina, Matla and Outright Action International during CSW to discuss the challenges and best practices encountered by transgender and gender non-confirming people when accessing public services. Please REGISTER here, indicating whether you have a UN ground badge: -
Singapore South Africa India NorwayEmpowerment of women and girls through access to public services: water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)14 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: kathleen_ho[at] -
Tunisia, Sweden, UN-Women and UNDPThe Tunis Forum on Gender Equality 2019 to Beijing +25 in 2020 : mobilizing for gender equality14 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: nesrine.elmansouri[at]
The Tunis Forum on Gender Equality will take place in Tunis, from 24 to 26 April 2019, following through the discussions that took place during the Stockholm Forum on Gender Equality in April 2018. Building on that momentum, the side event will aim to: - Discuss critical priorities and key actions to achieve irreversible and sustainable gender equality by 2030 - where should the focus lie? What should the actions be? - Identify the factors that can help to ensure positive inter-linkages between advancing gender equality, women's and girls' rights and women's empowerment in the changing dynamics of local participation. - Identify opportunities and lessons learnt to enhance gender equality in post conflict reconstruction which will inform local efforts in the Middle East and Africa. - Provide critical advice on how can we make the Tunis Forum an intergenerational, intersectional, multistakeholder mobilization for gender equality? -
Austria and OECD Development CentreWill we reach the gender-related SDGs? The impact of laws and social norms.14 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: heidi.kaufmann[at]
The side event will provide insights on which innovative approaches work to accelerate social transformation and to achieve gender-related SDGs by 2030. Drawing on the evidence of the Social Institutions and Gender Index, the event will be an opportunity to share new data informing policy debates on social norms and discrimination against women and girls across the globe. Panelists will notably share concrete examples of how gender-transformative policies and programmes can challenge gender norms and promote women's rights, gender equality and sustainable development. -
The Joint UN Global Programme on Essential Services (UN Women, UNFPA, UNODC, UNDP and WHO) with Global Rights for WomenThe importance of a coordinated response in responding to violence against women and girls14 March, 02:00 PM-04:15 PM
Ace Room Theatre, The Westin Hotel, 212 East 42nd Street, New York -
Cote d'Ivoire, NGO Regard de Femmes and GOFEHFFemmes d'agriculteurs : sortir de l'invisibilité et obtenir un statut professionnel14 March, 02:00 PM-03:00 PM
Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, 801 2nd Ave, New York -
UN Women, UN Global Compact and UN Office for Partnerships2019 Women's Empowerment Principles Forum14 March, 3:00 PM-6:00 PM
ECOSOC Chamber - Conference Building (max. capacity: 581)The global movement for gender equality and women's empowerment has broken new ground in recent years, by making headlines in media on sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace globally and putting the business community in the spotlight. From driving the representation and leadership of women in management and investment decisions, ensuring equal pay for work of equal value, to increasing support for women-owned businesses and entrepreneurs, companies of all sizes and from all sectors play a tremendous role in advancing gender equality and women's empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community. In tandem with the emergence of gender equality as critical corporate sustainability and risk mitigation issues, business action to advance women's empowerment is also central to the achievement of global multi-stakeholder agendas, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These issues set the context for the 2019 Women's Empowerment Principles Forum, to be held on 14 March 2019. Since its launch in 2010, the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) initiative has been at the forefront of transforming business policies, practices and approaches to advance gender equality and create opportunities for women and girls, engaging more than 2,000 businesses globally to date. The 2019 WEPs Forum will look to the future and consider how the WEPs can help business, investors, Governments and other stakeholders navigate new opportunities and work collectively to ensure that women help define and benefit from opportunities in the future of work. The Forum will also explore how to maintain momentum on advancing gender equality, accelerate the pace of progress and position responsible businesses to rise to the challenge.By invitation only -
International-Parliamentary Union (IPU)women in parliament14 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: ny-office[at] -
DenmarkInclusive Early Education Work-Life Balance and Women's Empowerment14 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Investments in gender equality in the work place, parental leave, and affordable and inclusive child-care are important and necessary steps to secure economic empowerment of women. The Danish (and Nordic) experiences in promoting gender equality are a key factor in the efforts towards en-suring the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. At this event, we will explore the Danish approach to securing gender equality between women and men. -
Timor-Leste and UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against WomenMandate of the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against women and the CEDAW General Recommendation 3514 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: secondsec02[at] -
Argentina, Ecuador, Panama, UN Women, Organization of American States (OEA) and CIM-MESECVILanzamiento del Informe de Análisis de Legislación sobre Femicidio en América Latina y el Caribe e Insumos para una Ley Modelo de Femicidio/Feminicidio.14 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129) -
EgyptResponding to women refugees from Syria14 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
Republic of Korea and International Council of Women (ICW-CIF)Equal Access to Social Protection for Women's Empowerment14 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: korea.un_3c[at]
Social protection is a key to reduce poverty and inequalities. Disproportionately high percentage of women and girls still live in extreme poverty line. Socio-cultural, economic, and other barriers limit women's access to the labour market and confine them to poorly remunerated and insecure forms of employment without access to social protection. This side event will be a panel workshop of experts in the field of women's rights and social protection systems. The speakers will identify various obstacles to women accessing social protection and address gender sensitive social protection initiatives for wider coverage of social protection to women and girls. Through the event, the participants will develop a better understanding and knowledge about the obstacles that women face around the world in gaining access to social protection, the rationale and policy implications of a gendered approach to social protection, the design of social protection measures that advance women's empowerment and gender equality, and the best practices to advocate for the adoption of social protection programs that reach more women and girls in their society. Since its establishment in 1888, ICW has worked to advance the status and empowerment of all women around the world. Our affiliates organize training programs to empower women in all areas. These programs vary from country to country and from teaching employable skills, technical skills, awareness of women's human rights, leadership to communication and other life skills. *This event is open to all. There is NO need to RSVP for the event. The seating will be based on a first-come-first-serve basis. **You will need to hold a valid UN Grounds Pass in order to gain access. -
NepalWomen's entrepreneurship and empowerment in Nepal14 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: dhrubababu[at]gmail.comNo more reservations -
Liberia, UN Women and World BankChanging Women's Lives through Social Protection14 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: gfarngalo[at] -
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation - Analysis of Society and Political Education (RLS), Global Policy Forum (GPF) and MADREWe want Equal Access! Austerity policies vs. Feminist activism14 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: dunja.krause[at]
Panel discussion on austerity and its impacts on gender inequality. Social protection systems, access to public services, and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality are being undermined by austerity policies, from cutbacks in access to public services and rights, such as sexual and reproductive health and shelters for victims of gender-based violence, to greater precarity in employment contracts. The panel will explore how austerity measures have devastated women's access to public services and increased their vulnerability in different European countries. Based on case studies, we will then discuss feminist strategies to counteract these developments. Speakers (tbc): Opening remarks: Johanna Bussemer, Head of Department Europe, RLS Berlin; Aliki Kosyfologou, Greece, Municipal Theatre of the Central Greece School and founding member of the feminist activist group Kiouri@; Oksana Dutchak, Ukraine, Deputy Director Center for Social and Labour Research; Inés Campillo Poza, Spain, Sociologist CPU and Suffolk University Madrid; Barbara Adams, Global Policy Forum. Facilitation: Dunja Krause, UNRISD. -
Romania, Austria, Finland, European Institute for Gender Equality, European Women's Lobby and Romanian Women's LobbyGender budgeting: smart spending for social protection, access to services and sustainable infrastructure14 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: mihaela.mecea[at] -
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), World Food Programme (WFP) and UN WomenRural women's empowerment for food security and nutrition for all: evidence from joint UN work14 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: azzurra.chiarini[at]
The moderated discussion will present emerging lessons on the impacts of the JP RWEE, including innovative methodologies to measure women's empowerment in agricultural projects. Country-level results and impact studies conducted by the Joint Programme will serve as a basis for a broader debate on how to capture the gender dimension in monitoring and evaluation activities of joint multidimensional programmes. -
St. Kitts and Nevis, Permanent Mission of Trinidad and TobagoExploring the linkages between SDG 5, 11 and 16: Women's access to justice, social protection and inheritance are key to achieving the SDGs.14 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: abrahamd[at] -
UNSRC Multimedia Guild, UNSRC Feng Shui Group and WeLink MediaWomen in Films and Media14 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: revzoechang[at]gmail.comBy invitation only
Panel discussion on situation of women in film industry and other media. Platform building and networking. -
Burkina FasoWomen's access to basic social services in Burkina Faso :status ,challenges and prospects.14 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 1 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)Contact: bfapm[at]
Friday, 15 March 2019
Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine to the UNComprehensive response to violence against women in Palestine: Costing violence against women15 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131) -
Trinidad and TobagoChallenges Women face in Leadership roles15 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: abrahamd[at] -
League of Arab StatesSocial protection for women empowerment15 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114) -
NGO Committee on the Status of WomenInformal NGO Morning Briefing15 March, 08:30 AM-09:15 AM
Conference Room 4, GA Building -
UNFPAYoung Women Demand Social Protection to Effectively Prevent Violent Extremism and Achieve Sustainable Pease15 March, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Orange Café, UNFPA, 605 3rd Ave, New York -
Dominican RepublicGood practices in public services and social protection for women and girls15 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129) -
Permanent Mission of MexicoThe Right to Social Security for Unpaid Care Workers15 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: eromulus[at]
Given that social security systems are commonly structured around full-time participation in the workforce, millions of women engaged partially or exclusively in unpaid care work are denied or limited this right in practice. In this side event we will explore policy recommendations from the Uruguayan and Mexican experiences as well as recent advances from the Committee of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to expand social security in unpaid care work. --- Dado que los sistemas de seguridad social se estructuran comúnmente en torno a la participación en el mercado laboral a tiempo completo, millones de mujeres dedicadas parcial o exclusivamente al trabajo de cuidado no remunerado ven negado o limitado este derecho en la práctica. En este evento exploraremos algunas recomendaciones de política desde la experiencia uruguaya y mexicana, así como avances recientes del Comité de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales para expandir la seguridad social en el trabajo de cuidado no remunerado. -- *This event is open to all. Kindly note that you will need to hold a valid UN Grounds Pass in order to gain access. -
Indonesia, South Africa and Overseas Development Institute (ODI)The gig economy: an opportunity or challenge for extending social protection to excluded women?15 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Discussions will focus on exploring practical steps towards positive change, and address the following key questions: 1. What evidence is there of how digital technology used in the gig economy can increase women's access to social protection? How and why have positive steps forward been achieved across different country contexts? 2. How can these progressive advances be measured, sustained and scaled in other national contexts and by global actors? 3. How can making progress contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and particularly SDG 5? -
Sri Lanka and KenyaWomen Investing in Peace15 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: doc_officer[at]
The Permanent Missions of Sri Lanka and Kenya to the United Nations together with the NGO Committee for Sustainable Development-NY (NGOCSD-NY) are co-hosting a side event titled "Women Investing in Peace" to bring together a group of experts to explore not only the subject of women's economic empowerment but also how women can use economic leadership to invest in sustainable peace. We will focus today on women leaders who have dedicated their lives to building successful foundations for sustainable communities globally. Basing our deliberations on Sustainable Goal 16 - promoting just, peaceful and inclusive societies, we will look at examples from Kenya, Sri Lanka and the United States as we celebrate successes, share best practices and identify tools to overcome challenges. -
Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the UN and Catholic Women's ForumValuing Unpaid Work and Caregiving15 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: rlandry[at]holyseemission.orgNo more reservations
This panel event will focus on the importance of valuing unpaid work and caregiving. Experts will present a family-centered, rather than individualistic, approach in social service provision so that support for unpaid work and caregiving do not unintentionally divide families. It will feature a discussion of how to measure development and impact with regard to unpaid work and caregiving in an integral way and seek to overcome the objectification of those cared for by valuing the person who is cared for or served through unpaid work. We anticipate that this event will be full and therefore registration via the website RSVP below would be required. Those who have not registered will be permitted in the room space permitting a few minutes before the event. Please do not RSVP versus the contact email, but through the link below. -
Switzerland, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Gender Standby Capacity Project and Norwegian Refugee CouncilMainstreaming Gender in Humanitarian Response: Examples from Mali, Nigeria and Uganda15 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: fraccaroli[at]
Due to the complex nature of many crises, the needs and voices of women and girls are often overlooked and unaccounted for in response efforts. To address those needs, gender advisors, (GenCaps) from the Gender Capacity Project have been regularly deployed to humanitarian crises worldwide to ensure that response planning incorporates gender perspectives. GenCaps provide support to many aspects of a humanitarian response, from coordination and advocacy to local capacity building and data collection and analysis. GenCaps are a vital resource in addressing the needs of women, girls, boys and men in the midst of an emergency. This side event will put a spotlight on the importance of keeping gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls at the forefront of humanitarian response by featuring the new strategic vision for the GenCap Project; and, participants will hear from GenCap experts on their efforts in Mali, Nigeria and Uganda. In addition, panelists will present their best practices and lessons learned as well as share innovative tools and practices to work with partners in the field. Panelists will also share how they have integrated the IASC Gender Policy and Accountability Framework into their work. Kindly note that participants will be accommodated as they arrive to the room. There will be no reserved seating for registrants. Please register here: -
Antigua and Barbuda, UN Women Multi-Country Office Caribbean, CARICOM Secretariat and Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening Project (JURIST)Beyond Bias: Access to Justice and Social Protection in the Caribbean15 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
UNDP GEPA initiative, UNPBSO and the University of PittsburghGender Equality in Public Administration in Conflict-Affected Settings: Opportunities and Challenges15 March, 12:00 PM-01:15 PM
Amartya Sen Room, UNDP, 304 E 45th St (10th floor)Contact: gepa[at]
Watch the event on livestream! -
UNFPA and CAREAn Empowerment Approach to Preventing and Responding to Child, Early and Forced Marriage in the MENA Region15 March, 12:30 PM-03:00 PM
UNFPA, 605 Third Avenue, 5th floorA discussion with local women's groups, international humanitarian agencies and government -
South AfricaPromotion of Universal Social Protection for Women and Girls15 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114) -
Mozambique, Department for International Development (DFID) and World VisionTransformative gender responsive social protection for rural and urban realities: experiences from Mozambique15 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131) -
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and United Nations University (UNU)EQUALS In Tech: Taking Stock of the State of Gender Digital Equality - Launch of EQUALS Research Group's Inaugural Report15 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: ursula.wynhoven[at]
The EQUALS Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age is a global movement, a multi-stakeholder partnership bringing together international organizations, private sector companies, governments, NGOs, regulatory agencies and academic institutions with a common goal: to bridge the gender digital divide. This report provides a cross-cutting global outlook on the state of gender equality in digital access, skills and leadership opportunities and will be an essential resource for the 90+ EQUALS partners and beyond. Furthermore, the report highlights the challenges of performing gender digital equality analysis at a global level and offers perspectives from a wide range of stakeholders, comprising contribution from many leading academic and technology-relevant organizations. Challenging some of the key misconceptions about the state of gender digital inequality, the report includes concrete recommendations for improving the data with an eye to evidence-based programmes and policies. -
Ireland and Peace is LoudFilm Screening: Women, Peace and Power - the stories of women peacemakers from Northern Ireland, Afghanistan and Liberia.15 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: rosalind.osullivan[at]
Join us for the premiere of the short film 'Women, Peace and Power' which follows the stories of women activists, politicians, and ordinary citizens in Northern Ireland, Afghanistan and Liberia as they try to influence peace talks in their countries. Hosted by the Irish mission in partnership with Peace is Loud, the screening will be followed by a Q&A with some of the women featured in the film. -
Romania and Soroptimist InternationalInclusive social protection for women and girls: best practises and equity15 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
Antigua and Barbuda, Trinidad and Tobago, UN Women Multi-Country Office Caribbean, CARICOM Secretariat and Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening Project (JURIST)Inclusive and Sustainable Justice Systems - Viewing and panel Discussion15 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
International Development Law Organization (IDLO)Women and Customary and Informal Justice15 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: newyork[at]
The event will provide space for an open consultation on the relationship between women and CIJs, on legal pluralism and on the intersection of formal and informal justice systems. With a gender lens and a focus on challenges and opportunities of engagement, participants will discuss the specificities of promoting women s rights within plural legal systems. The event is part of a series of global consultations being initiated by IDLO to inform policy and programming on CIJs, plurality and access to justice. Please RSVP by Tuesday, 12 March, 2019 at . For non-UN Pass holders, a Special Event Ticket (SET) is required to attend the event. Please request your SET in your RSVP email. -
KazakhstanLeaving no one behind through social protection in Central Asia15 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: azatshakirkz[at]
The side event will be aimed to contribute to CSW agreed conclusions by bringing Central Asian specific sub-regional vision perspectives, experiences and lessons learnt in regard of how social protection, public services and infrastructure are expected to contribute to transformative changes for women and girls' lives in the new development context and taking into account the existing challenges and gaps in regard of gender equality agenda's enforcement at all levels. -
Uruguay, CLADEM, CEPALProtección social para mujeres, niñas y adolescentes migrantes.15 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: urudeleg[at]
SOCIAL PROTECTION FOR MIGRANT WOMEN, GIRLS, AND ADOLESCENTS. Making visible the challenges and share good practices of States and Civil Society in relation to the social protection of migrant women, girls and adolescents. ---- El objetivo del evento es visibilizar los desafíos y compartir buenas prácticas de los Estados y la Sociedad Civil en relación a la protección social de las mujeres, niñas y adolescentes migrantes. **NO INTERPRETATION AVAILABLE/ SPANISH ONLY** -
UN WomenThe Road to 2020: Accelerating Action on Women, Peace and Security before the 20th Anniversary of 132515 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: sarah.douglas[at] -
BrazilWomen in Coffee - Book Launch15 March, 04:00 PM-05:00 PM
Millinnium Hotel Hilton New York, One UN Plaza, New York -
Pakistan, Turkey, Iran and IndonesiaBreaking Stereotypes: Muslim Women as Agents of Change15 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 8 - GA Building (max. capacity: 96)Contact: jawadjac3284[at] -
JordanInvesting in social protection systems for prevention in a resilience context: an empowerment model for women and girls15 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: rshoman777[at]
Investing in social protection systems for prevention in a resilience context: an empowerment model for women and girls -
IraqWomen re-building Iraq: a journey towards peace and stabilization15 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: iraq.imun[at] -
Saudi ArabiaSuccessful Measures on the Economic and Social Empowerment of Women15 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
Finland, UN Women, United Nations Global Compact, Office of the Special Adviser on Africa and African Union Commission Office of the Special Envoy on Women Peace and SecurityMaking Social Protection, Public Services and Infrastructure Inclusive and Meaningful for Women and Girls in Africa15 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: alaga[at]
This side event focuses on women and girls in Africa and provides an advocacy platform to examine the extent to which social protection systems, public services and sustainable infrastructure development and investments in Africa currently contributes to addressing gender inequality and promoting women and girl's rights and empowerment. It will also identify persisting gaps and emerging challenges and propose concrete and forward-looking recommendations for ensuring a gender-sensitive focus and approach to policy design, financing, implementation and evaluation of social protection systems, public services and sustainable infrastructure. Ensuring gender responsive social protection systems, public services and sustainable infrastructure investments necessitates that the underlying and multiple causes of women and girl's vulnerability and exclusion are comprehensively assessed and addressed. In this respect, the side event will also highlight the challenges confronting migrant women, refugee and internally displaced women, older women, women living in rural areas, women with disabilities, and women with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, among others. This will not only highlight the peace, security, governance, human rights, humanitarian and development nexus, but also the synergies between the priority theme of CSW 63 and the 2019 African Union theme of the Year on "Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Towards Durable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa". -
International Federation for Peace and Sustainable Development (IFPSD) an the Permanent Mission of GuatemalaMentoring and Inspiring to be Future Leaders15 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: info[at]
The International Federation for Peace and Sustainable Development and Guatemala appear on the online web tv page and the monitor outside the conference room. Contact: Mrs. Sally Kader, phone number: (917) 331 4699
Monday, 18 March 2019
Dominican Republic, UN Women and Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA)Women Political Participation18 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114) -
NGO Committee on the Status of WomenInformal NGO Morning Briefing18 March, 08:30 AM-09:15 AM
Conference Room 4, GA Building -
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)Gender, Economic Policy and Women's Human Rights: Tackling Discrimination to Strengthen Social Protection, Increase Access to Services and Transform Systems18 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: courtis[at]
The event will provide a space for discussing discrimination against women in the area of economic and social rights, particularly regarding the rights to work, health, education and social security, among others. -
Malawi, SADC Gender Protocol Alliance and Women's Development and Communications Network (FEMNET)Planet 50/50: Achieving #VoiceandChoice through Social Protection18 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: loyce6[at]
For those in need of the UN security pass to the Event, kindly RSVP to: by Tuesday, March 12, 2019. -
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)The CEDAW Convention and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development18 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: courtis[at]
The event will highlight the linkages between CEDAW and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the potential for further collaboration between the Committee, UN entities, Member States, civil society and other stakeholders. The side event shall be one of the series in the lead up to the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Convention. The side event will also be used to commemorate 10 years of the creation of the mandate of the SRSG-SVC. -
Niger and NGO KassaiGender, migration and Developpement action in Africa: case of Niger18 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131) -
The Permanent Missions of Mexico, Germany and Uganda to the United Nations, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the International Labour Organization (ILO) (TBC) and UN Women.Ensuring Social Protection for Women and Girls on the Move18 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 2 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)Contact: eromulus[at]
Join us for an interactive discussion on the importance of ensuring access to social protection for all women and girls on the move and the portability of social security entitlements. Panelists will discuss the role of social protection mechanisms in promoting and protecting the rights of women and girls in countries of origin, transit and destination and explore the role of inclusive social protection as a means to promote safe migration and reduce adverse drivers. -
United Republic of Tanzania and UN Women (East and Southern Africa Regional OfficePartnerships for Development: Inclusive Sustainable Energy Solutions for Gender Equality in Africa18 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: tanzania[at] -
UN WomenTowards gender-responsive climate action18 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: hanna.paulose[at]
In support of the UN Secretary-General's 2019 Climate Summit and the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (Beijing+25), this side event will give impetus to gender equality and women's rights in the context of national-level climate action. -
Denmark, PaRDUnlocking the Power of Faith-Based Partnerships: Enabling the Right to Social Protection18 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Share the findings from the Joint Learning Initiative (JLI) research conducted for the PaRD Gender Equality and Empowerment workstream on the current and potential role of faith-based partnerships in preventing and addressing Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV). Address the perceived tensions between faith-based, human rights-based and feminist frameworks, and examine how these frameworks can be interconnected and learn from each other Learn from current faith-based practices on gender equality and strengthen partnerships across faith/secular and NGO/government actors. Identify areas to foster faith engagement in combating SGBV in development cooperation and humanitarian assistance. -
Germany and The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative CouncilAccess to Menstrual Health as a Public Service: The Lived Experiences of Women and Girls18 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: rockaya.aidara[at] -
Austria, Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) and Global Network of Women PeacebuildersWomen's economic recovery - Intersection of women's economic empowerment and peace building18 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114)Contact: dinah[at]
In preparation of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of UNSCR 1325, Beijing+25 and SDG+5 this side event puts the Spotlight on a so far neglected Topic: womens economic recovery and access to resources during conflict and post-conflict. Panelists from local women's organisations from Mali and Jordan, from the policy level and the private sector will share and discuss their experiences. -
The GambiaEnergy Law in Africa18 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)The environmental issues of Africa's energy development; The question of human rights in the exploitation of natural resources in Africa -
PhilippinesSilver Linings: Social Protection and Empowerment of Aging Women18 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129) -
Kenya, Girls Not Brides and Ford FoundationThe Power of Women's Agency in Transforming Social Norms for Better Health Outcomes and Well Being18 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
ECOSOC Chamber - Conference Building (max. capacity: 581)Contact: DivaYancey[at]
The Power of Women's Agency in Transforming Social Norms for Better Health Outcomes and Well Being -
Ethiopia"Beyond 50/50" - Recognizing the role and contribution of women in paid and unpaid works: the case of Ethiopian new empowerment movement called "Jegnit"18 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: hisu2003[at] -
Denmark and ActionAid InternationalAmplifying the Voices of Women Human Rights Defenders Advocating for Social Protection and Access to Gender Responsive Public Services18 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
South AfricaWomen's and Girls' Safety in Cities: Best Practices and Strategies for the Future18 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: makwabea[at] more reservations -
Niger et ONG Rayouwa mataAgriculture a s a tool for women empowerment in Sakoira area of Niger18 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Empowering women through agriculture -
Qatar, UNICEF and Doha International Family InstituteGender-Responsive Social Protection for Adolescent Girls to Enable Aspirations and Reach the SDG's in the Arab Region18 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: eventspmun[at]
rsvp by 11 March -
United KingdomHow does civil society get the most out of CSW?18 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100) -
UN WomenThe Road Ahead: Making Gender Parity a Reality18 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: samantha.ronda[at]
2018 was a year of historic gains for women's representation in UN leadership, with both the Senior Management Group and Resident Coordinators reaching gender parity for the first time. We must continue this momentum if we are to finally fulfill our commitments to reaching gender parity initially made almost 25 years ago in the Beijing Platform for Action. How do we make gender parity a reality for all? What role can civil society and Member States play in supporting the UN to achieve this long-standing goal? How do we address backlash to parity efforts and engage men in our joint efforts? The side event will bring together senior UN officials, civil society and Member States to discuss efforts and measures to reach the gender parity within the UN System. -
Mali and US-Mali Charitable Association (UMACA)Ending violence against women and girls around the world18 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
Conference Room 2 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)
Tuesday, 19 March 2019
UNFPA, Regional Syria Response Hub and The Center for Women's Global Leadership (CWGL)Social protection during conflict and war19 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114)Contact: irshaidat[at]
Given that the eradication of GBV is a core objective for the Center for Women's Global Leadership (CWGL), the global initiator and coordinator of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence Campaign, UNFPA will be partnering with the centre to host a joint session during the sixty-third session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) with the objective of highlighting the need to look at social protection systems through the lens of gender, taking into consideration the risks of violence against women and girls in the context of the Syria crisis region and the disintegration of social, political, legal and economic structures which have made accountability elusive. The discussion will illustrate how these risks and realities pose a challenge to resilience and peace in the long-term, as understood in a broad sense and with a focus on women's active role as peacebuilders. -
NGO Committee on the Status of WomenInformal NGO Morning Briefing19 March, 08:30 AM-09:15 AM
Conference Room 4, GA Building -
ZimbabweSupporting social protection, the provision of public services and sustainable infrastructure in marginalized communities: The Case of Angel of Hope Foundation19 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: srchekeche[at]
Theme: "Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender and the empowerment of women and girls" Zimbabwe would like to showcase its successful social protection interventions through the work of The Angel of Hope Foundation spearheaded by the First Lady of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Her Excellency, Auxilia Mnangagwa. This is an event not to be missed as the products of sheer dedication and love have created hope and opportunities for marginalized and disadvantaged women and girls in a manner that truly leaves no one behind and addresses the needs of those furthest behind. Join us in sharing their experiences and expectations for the future. -
NauruPersonal Stories of Women's Journey To Leadership19 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100) -
World Health Organization (WHO), NCD Alliance and Women & NCDs TaskforceSocial Protection Systems for Gender Equality: Achieving UHC to empower women and girls and reduce the burden of NCDs19 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: intern2[at]whoun.orgNo more reservations
THE RSVP LIST TO EXTERNAL GUESTS IS NOW CLOSED. IF YOU HAVE A UN BADGE YOU DO NOT NEED TO RSVP. All confirmed external guests will receive information via email on 15 March on how to collect their entrance pass on the morning of the event on the 19th. -
UN WomenWhat cultural change is needed to consign sexual harassment to the dustbin of history?19 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
ECOSOC Chamber - Conference Building (max. capacity: 581)Contact: end.sexualharassment[at]
We know that ending sexual harassment is a matter of cultural transformation not only change in mechanisms or law, though these matter too. In line with 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, UN Women supports efforts to prevent and respond to violence, including addressing sexual harassment. As an institution born from the demand of women's and feminist movements, it supports and adds to their efforts to achieve gender equality, end discrimination and violence. Unprecedented recent global mobilization is profoundly challenging sexual harassment. We should not assume that any workplace is immune from sexual harassment; its prevalence remains unacceptable. Women have taken to the streets and mobilised the power of social media to expose the inequalities of power that sustain sexual harassment, as well as their pain and harm. They have used the hashtags #MeToo, #NiUnaMenos, #BalanceTonPorc, #PrimeiroAssedio, #Babaeko and #WithYou, among others. The leadership and knowledge of the MeToo, Time's Up and similar movements strongly shape work to end sexual harassment. -
MalawiEnding Violence Against Women19 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: loyce6[at]gmail.comNo more reservations
Kindly note for those in need of the UN security pass to the event, Please RSVP to, by Wednesday, March 13, 2019. -
The Gambia and the Africa Sickle Cell Support FoundationGaining access to better health care19 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
ILO, UN WomenAddressing Violence against Women in the World of Work: Launch of a New Handbook19 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: pak[at]ilo.orgBy invitation only -
Ireland and the Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence (ICGBV)Empowering in Emergencies: A conversation with frontline responders to gender based violence19 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)This interactive discussion will examine the links between gender based violence in a humanitarian context, namely Lebanon, and the priority theme of CSW 63. The discussion will examine the successes and challenges of integrating gender based violence interventions in humanitarian action, primarily access to and quality of gender based violence services and the sustainability of these services; asking what lessons can be learned from the Lebanon gender based violence response services. -
The WhyWhy Slavery? Film Screening19 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114)PROGRAMME: Short Film Narrated by Dame Helen Mirren: Benefits of a Toilet - A film about the lack of women?s access to sanitation. Documentary Film Mail in Hell by Søren Klovborg - Can an employment system hide a reality of torture and humiliation? Maid in Hell gives a glimpse into the commonplace reality of harassment, abuse, rape and 18-hour work days which migrant domestic. -
Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the UN and Center for Family & Human RightsProtecting Femininity and Human Dignity in Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality Policies Today19 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
ECOSOC Chamber - Conference Building (max. capacity: 581)Contact: rlandry[at]
While gender equality as understood in the context of the UN and the SDGs seeks the advancement of women, recent interpretations of gender and gender equality have called into question women's feminine genius and dignity. Uncritical adoption into policy of novel theories of gender jeopardize the advancements made in protecting the dignity of women and girls by devaluing their unique nature, something that has important implications for the infrastructures and services that are designed to help women and girls. By diminishing the uniqueness of women and their needs, new notions of gender attenuate the focus on women's unique needs and unintentionally hamper their advancement. This panel of women leaders will enlighten and inspire the audience with their scholarly and professional expertise as well as personal testimonies. Panelists will propose practical and actionable solutions to the challenges women and girls face in many different arenas. The event seeks to examine the relationship between gender equality and women's uniqueness; the way novel theories of gender influence women's advancement in various infrastructures and services; positive steps forward, actionable solutions, and recommendations to advance the dignity of women. We kindly ask all those who would like to attend (including Delegates from Missions, NGOs and CSW 63) to register via the website RSVP below. (Please do not RSVP versus the contact email, but through the RSVP link.) -
NigerWomen and girl's access to sustainable infrastructures: experience of setting up multifunctional platforms in Niger19 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)The side event aims at sharing the experience of the Multifunctional Platforms in alleviating the domestic chores for women and girls in rural areas of Niger, thus contributing to their empowerment -
The United Republic of Tanzania and LANDESARealizing Women's Land Rights: Implementing and Enforcing Practices to Enhance Social Protection for Women and Girls19 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: tanzania[at] -
International Federation for Peace and Sustainable Development (IFPSD) and the Permanent Mission of GuatemalaViolence Against Women in the MESA Region19 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: info[at]
International Federation for Peace and Sustainable Development (IFPSD) and the Permanent Mission of Guatemala to appear on monitor Contact: Mrs. Sally Kader, phone number: (917) 331 4699 -
UN Women and the International olympic Committee2019 IOC Women and Sport Awards Ceremony19 March, 06:00 PM-10:00 PM
UN Delegates Dining Room, New YorkProgram: 6.00 p.m. Registration and Welcome Drinks 6.30 p.m. Welcome and Opening of the Program: Andrea Joyce, Olympic Commentator for NBC Sports Group 6.35 pm. The Power of Sport: A conversation between IOC President, Olympic Gold-Medallist and HeForShe Champion, Thomas Bach and UN Women Executive Director, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka 7.10 p.m. Dance Performance by Groove with Me 7.20 p.m Awarding of the IOC Women and Sport Continental Awards 7.50 p.m. Speech by Marta Vieria Da Silva, UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and six-time winner of the Best FIFA Women's Player 8.00 p.m Awarding of the IOC Women and Sport World Award 8.15 p.m. Closing remarks and Cocktail Reception 10.00 pm Conclusion
Wednesday, 20 March 2019
Saudi ArabiaAccess to Public Services and Social Protection Policies20 March, 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129) -
NGO Committee on the Status of WomenInformal NGO Morning Briefing20 March, 08:30 AM-09:15 AM
Conference Room 4, GA Building -
UNFPA68 million girls will be cut by 2030: A call to involve and mobilize the private sector to end Female Genital Mutilation20 March, 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Orange Café, 5th floor, 605 Third Avenue, New YorkContact: mgana[at]
The event is at UNFPA HQ. No UN pass is required but participants need to register with their names to be granted access to the building. Participants can register using the RVSP link or by email at: -
MexicoProtection and strengthening of national human rights mechanisms that promote gender equality as a good to humanity20 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: eromulus[at] -
Tanzania and International Health Awareness NetworkIMPACT OF VIOLENCE ON HEALTH AND EDUCATION20 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: tanzania[at] -
UN Women, African Union, Commonwealth, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie and Secretaría General Ibero-AmericanaLaunch of Strategy on Equality in Law for Women and Girls by 2030: A Multistakeholder Strategy for Accelerated Action20 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: beatrice.duncan[at]
The event brings together government representatives, civil society organizations and UN partners with the primary objective of generating awareness on the important role of gender equal laws in the achievement of gender equality and will reinforce the importance of eliminating discriminatory laws in all countries by 2030. -
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandGendering the debate on religious hate speech20 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: aaron.holtz[at] -
World Health Organization (WHO), International Labour Organization (ILO), Government of France, Republic of Niger and Women in Global HealthDelivered by Women, Led by Men: A Gender and Equity Analysis of the Global Health Workforce20 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: info[at]
The health economy is a major employer of women globally: around 70% compared to an average of 41% in all other sectors. However, women are largely clustered into lower status, lower paid jobs in contrast to men who occupy higher occupational groups and leadership positions. Against the background of a projected shortfall of 18 million health workers by 2030, addressing gender inequities in the health workforce to maximise women's economic empowerment and participation, enable better use of talent and scale up decent jobs to deliver health for all is a multi-SDG opportunity of significant policy interest to Member States. WHO will launch a new report, 'Delivered by Women, Led by Men: A Gender and Equity Analysis of the Global Health Workforce' and will release new analysis from labour force surveys in over 60 countries at CSW63. The report synthesizes the evidence on gender in the health workforce through the four themes of occupational segregation, the gender pay gap, gender gaps in leadership and decent work (covering sexual harassment, discrimination and bias). Findings highlight the large percentage of female health workers in low- and middle-income countries working on insecure terms and conditions, without a supportive legal and social protection framework. Format: - health worker stories bringing key issues raised by the report to life - introduction by WHO on the joint ILO-OECD-WHO partnership (SDG17) on the Working for Health five-year action plan - which calls for focused attention on women's empowerment in the health economy - presentation of the key findings in the report and the analysis of labour force surveys by Women in Global Health, co-chair of the Gender Equity Hub - Interactive panel with ILO, government, union, employer, civil society representatives. Please RSVP. -
Niger and NGO ConsortiumGender and Migration in Africa: case of Niger20 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)The side event will focus on the issue of Migration in Africa with a focus on Niger and how women and girls are affected by the phenomenon -
TanzaniaBridging the Gender Gap through Financial Inclusion in Tanzania20 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53) -
Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the UN and Heritage FoundationGender Equality and Gender Ideology: Protecting Women and Girls20 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: rlandry[at]holyseemission.orgNo more reservations
This panel event will examine how gender ideology is impacting the gains of women and girls toward gender equality and examine whether various current approaches advance or unintentionally undermine the dignity of women and girls in general and whether they help or inadvertently harm individual women, girls and others in particular. Panelists will approach the subject from the perspective of endocrinology, psychology, philosophy, law, politics and culture. We anticipate that this event will be full and therefore registration via the website RSVP below would be required. Those who have not registered will be permitted in the room space permitting a few minutes before the event. Please do not RSVP versus the contact email, but through the link below. -
The WhyWhy Slavery? Film Screening20 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 7 - GA Building (max. capacity: 114)PROGRAMME: Short Film Narrated by Helen Mirren: It Started With a Duck - The film highlights how something as simle as a duck can advance women's economic empowerment Documentary Film A Woman Captured by Bernadett Tuza-Ritter - This film is a raw and intimate portrayal of the psychology behind enslavement. -
Canada, Nigeria, UNFPA, the European Union -European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Women's Refugee Commission (WRC) and the GBV Area of Responsibility (GBV AoR)Call to Action: Social protection for women and girls in emergencies20 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room D - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: AREICHENBERG[at]IOM.INT
In 2013, Sweden and the United Kingdom launched the Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies (Call to Action). It is a global initiative which has pushed actors and partners in the humanitarian system to make systemic changes to their policies and practices to better mitigate, respond to and prevent GBV from the onset of an emergency. Canada, the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) will host this event to discuss progress and efforts towards realizing these objectives. The discussion will specifically focus on the impact of the Call to Action on strengthening social protection systems and ensuring the rights of women and girls in accessing services during an emergency. Panelists will explore initiatives undertaken towards integrating gender-sensitive social protection programming, services and resources throughout humanitarian crisis responses. -
Dominican RepublicBreaking Barriers the role of Women before Society20 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129) -
International Telecommunication Union (ITU), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), UNESCO and United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)Gender and Science, Technology and Innovation: UN initiatives20 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Ex-Press Bar - GA Building (max. capacity: 100)Contact: ursula.wynhoven[at]
This session will promote awareness and understanding of types of work done by a number of UN agencies on gender equality in the fields of science, technology and innovation. The session is in support of the group on gender and STI of the Inter-Agency Taskteam on STI. -
Permanent Mission of Bangladesh The Joint Advocacy Group on Social Protection comprised of the NGO Committee on Social Development, the NGO Committee on Financing for Development, the NGO Committee on the Status of Women and the NGO Committee on MigrationImplementing and Financing Social Protection Floors: Finding the Political Will20 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: shah.asif[at]
Implementing and Financing Social Protection Floors: Finding the Political Will -
South AfricaExploring the Journey of Women Peace and Security: Lessons and Opportunities from the Global South20 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: makwabea[at] -
UNESCO, Permanent Mission of Finland and GenderInSITEWhat drives the gender gap in science, technology and innovation and how do we close it?20 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: d.kouta-lopatey[at]unesco.orgNo more reservations
The roundtable brings together UN entities, member states and civil society to explore critical issues related to gender equality in science, technology and innovation as a key enabler for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and for building and sustaining peace. More specifically, the status and implications of the STI gender gaps are discussed with potential solutions to reverse the trend of women?s unequal participation.
Thursday, 21 March 2019
NGO Committee on the Status of WomenInformal NGO Morning Briefing21 March, 08:30 AM-09:15 AM
Conference Room 4, GA Building -
Permanent Mission of Bangladesh Global Movement for the Culture of PeaceWomen's Equality and Empowerment Advances The Culture of Peace21 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: shah.asif[at]
To seek the role of women equality and empowerment on the culture of peace -
Samoa and Endeavour Forum Inc.Women's Reproductive Health and Breast Cancer Risks21 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: miriama[at]
- Main Speaker of the Event: Dr. Christine Francis (Obstetrician/Gynecologist), A Board Member of the American Association of Pro Life Obstetrician & Gynecologists - Second Speaker: Dr Joel Brind (Professor & Medical researcher in breast cancer) -
Co-sponsored by Jamaica, Thailand; World Health Organization UN, New York; International Council of Women (ICW-CIF) and othersAdvancing Women's Health and Well-Being Across the Life Course: Focus on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Universal Health Coverage21 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: event4040[at]
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) comprise the five major burdens of disease worldwide and include heart disease, cancer, diabetes, respiratory illnesses, and mental health and neurological conditions. These are anticipated to increase over the next decades, especially in low resource countries. This event, which continues as part of the previous series on NCDs, discuss developments from the Caribbean, Thailand, India, and the U.S. and will focus on the prevention and control of NCDs through the integration of physical and mental health services to be included as part of universal health coverage. Examples of successful and replicable programs focused on the workplace as well as early childhood/family integrated community health services available for all will be presented. RSVP to Please plan to arrive by 11:10 AM to allow time to go through security. Individuals needing a special event UN grounds pass must RSVP by March 15th -
UN BookshopMEET THE AUTHOR OF "How Dare the Sun Rise: Memoirs of a War Child" Sandra Uwiringiyimana In discussion with Ms. Nanette Braun, Department of Global Communications21 March, 01:00 PM-02:00 PM
United Nations Bookshop, GA Building, Visitors' Concourse -
Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the UN and Center for Family and Human RightsSocial Protections for Women, Girls and All Those with Down Syndrome (in commemoration of the International Down Syndrome Awareness Day)21 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 2 - Conference Building (max. capacity: 571)Contact: rlandry[at]
This side event will bring together Down Syndrome advocates to discuss the inherent dignity and worth of women, girls and all those with Down syndrome, their contribution to society in all spheres of life, and the concrete cultural, legal, and policy changes necessary for persons with Down Syndrome to receive social protection, access public services and reach their full potential. Social protection for persons with Down syndrome is lagging at all stages of their life, including before birth, where in some countries 100 percent of those with in utero Down Syndrome diagnoses are aborted. At present, social support for mothers and families to welcome and care for children with Down syndrome are often insufficient, even though international law enshrines special protections for motherhood and the family. And social policies to help persons with Down syndrome develop and achieve their full potential are badly needed. These failures to afford women, girls and all persons with Down Syndrome and their families the social protection they are entitled to across their lifespan are the result of widespread ignorance of persons with Down syndrome, their inherent dignity and worth, and their contribution to societies in every sphere of life, socially, economically, culturally and spiritually. We ask all those who would like to attend (including Delegates from Missions, NGOs and CSW63) to RSVP via the link below. (Please do not RSVP versus the contact email). -
UN Democracy FundEmpowerment, Engagement and Leadership Through Civil Society21 March, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Conference Room A - Conference Building (max. capacity: 53)Contact: democracyfund[at]
Governments and civil society project implementers discuss the mission for women's participation of the UN Democracy Fund, the only UN entity with a primary mandate to support democracy through civil society.
Friday, 22 March 2019
Jamaica and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.Delta Days at the United Nations22 March, 8:00 AM-1:00 PM
ECOSOC Chamber - Conference Building (max. capacity: 581) -
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and UN WomenLaunch of UNOPS and UN Women's Asia Regional Gender Mainstreaming in Infrastructure Guides22 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129)Contact: KaraD[at]
Infrastructure is a key development driver, necessary to address people's needs and improve living conditions. We have witnessed first-hand how the under-representation of women in the design and development of infrastructure systems in the Asia Region has subsequently undermined regional potential and continues to pose challenges especially for women and girls in their ability to access safety, opportunities and equal rights. This event will mark the launch of the "Guides on Integrating Gender into Infrastructure Development in Asia and the Pacific". These Guides have been developed in joint collaboration by UNOPS and UN Women's Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Both agencies recognise that awareness-raising, knowledge enhancement, and practical skills-building are critical to ensuring we strengthen the capacity and results in this area. These Guides which will be available for all members of the public, aim to strengthen the design and implementation of infrastructure development projects, with the overall aim to support improved access to and use of infrastructure by women, girls and minority groups in order to address gender equality challenges in the sector more generally. This side event, together with the launch of the Guides, hopes to have a resounding impact given that the 63rd Commission on the Status of Women 63 focuses on sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. -
World Health Organization (WHO)GoF of UHC Briefing22 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
Conference Room 12 - GA Building (max. capacity: 129) -
United Nations Federal Credit Union (UNFCU) FoundationSocial Reintegration Through Effective Partnerships22 March, 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: ephilippe[at]
The UNFCU Foundation's panel of experts will share their views on how social reintegration initiatives drive women's empowerment. They will specifically discuss proven approaches that are successfully enabling marginalized women and youth to sustain the path out of poverty through the provision of quality education, livelihoods training, and access to critical healthcare. Case studies will explore direct impact on gender equality, social mobility, employment, and the development of self-belief. Panel: Dr. Erin Anastasi, Coordinator, Campaign to End Fistula & Technical Specialist, SRH/Fistula, UNFPA Ruben Chandrasekar, Executive Director, International Rescue Committee Dr. Igda Martinez, Director of Behavioral Health, The Floating Hospital Stephanie Wright, Co-Founder/Co-Director, Together We Bake Moderator: Pamela Agnone, President and Director, UNFCU Foundation Special guest: Cynthia Davis, Director of Community Outreach, The Floating Hospital, and UNFCU Foundation 2018 Women's Empowerment Award recipient -
UN Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect, UNITF on Religion and Development and ACT AlliancePreventing gender-based violence: the role of religious actors22 March, 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Conference Room 11 - GA Building (max. capacity: 131)Contact: cruciani[at]un.orgBy invitation only
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