In Papua New Guinea, a new initiative boosts women candidates ahead of national elections


An initiative to support women contesting in this year's National Elections in Papua New Guinea has been launched. The “Know Your Woman Candidate 2012: Vote Woman campaign is the first of its kind in Papua New Guinea, where women's participation in politics is extremely low. It officially became public last week, and is spearheaded by the National Council of Women and supported by UN Women. With the intent to promote and encourage equal participation in Parliament, the campaign has arranged for women candidates who are running for parliamentary seats to be extensively profiled in the media.

The National Council of Women (NCW) is therefore inviting all interested women candidates to come forth and be a part of the campaign. “For too long we've been the underdogs. It's time now to make way for more women to step up and make that difference - in Parliament, said NCW President, Schola Kakas. She said that Papua New Guinea had some very competent women leaders who are not only qualified or experienced, but capable of bringing significant changes if given the chance. “It is time now for Papua New Guinea to give women this chance, she added.

For the full story, visit UN Women's Pacific website.