Since the early 1950s, the United Nations has enlisted the volunteer services and support of prominent personalities from the worlds of art, music, film, sport and literature to highlight key issues and to draw attention to its activities. Over the years, many persons of international stature have lent their names, talents and time to support UN programmes—a number of UN Secretariat units and separately funded and administered Funds and Programmes of the United Nations have designated such individuals as Goodwill Ambassadors or celebrity advocates, who are working on behalf of the United Nations worldwide.
En palabras de Jaha Dukureh: “Mientras viva, cada día me despertaré y gritaré al mundo que la mutilación genital femenina es nociva, y que el matrimonio infantil no es diferente de la violación”.
Comunicado de prensa: Cuando la campaña “16 Días de Activismo” toca a su fin, Nicole Kidman, Embajadora de buena voluntad de ONU Mujeres, junto con sobrevivientes y activistas, pone el foco en las soluciones para poner fin a la violencia contra las mujere