How men and boys can push for gender equality

Gender equality benefits men and women in all their diversity—but for too long, it has been seen as solely a women’s issue.

Men and boys have much to gain from a world that has greater gender equality. A more equal world is one where people of all genders can live their lives freely, and realize their full human potential.

Where patriarchal social norms are widespread, men and women both lose.

UN Women’s programming, along with movements launched by UN Women such as the HeForShe Initiative, engage men and boys to join the push to accelerate change towards equality for all.

A father teaches his daughter how to ride a bicycle in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A father teaches his daughter how to ride a bicycle in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Photo: UN Women/Rena Effendi

Gender stereotypes hurt both men and women

At present, existing attitudes about male gender roles can cause men and boys emotional, psychological, and physical stress, and stifle their abilities to express themselves.

Patriarchal social norms—that is, beliefs and practices that privilege men over women—are common in societies around the world.

These norms fuel everything from gender wage gaps to violence against women; from individual attitudes and behaviours to institutional policies and cultural narratives. These norms also foster an environment where men do not see women in their full humanity—where sexist remarks and misogynistic behaviour can go unchallenged.

Patriarchal social norms harm men’s physical and emotional wellbeing. They lead to men and boys behaving in ways they find uncomfortable or inauthentic to their true feelings. These pressures even reduce men’s life expectancies. Men are also significantly more likely to die by suicide than women.

A father cooks with his children in Chishinau, Moldova.
A father cooks with his children in Chishinau, Moldova. Photo: UN Women/Rena Effendi

Men and boys can transform patriarchal norms

There are many steps men and boys can take to counteract these harmful social attitudes.

Men can promote healthy ideas about masculinity by embracing vulnerability in their emotional lives, and taking active roles in domestic labour and caregiving. In the workplace, public life, and at home, men can question their power, challenge harmful narratives that promote dominance and control over women, and embrace healthier models grounded in equality, care, and empathy.

Men and boys can challenge sexist and misogynistic behaviours anywhere they encounter them, and advocate for broader social and institutional change.

In doing so, men not only reduce negative actions against women, but also advance the cause of gender equality, helping themselves and others live more fulfilling lives. By actively questioning and resisting patriarchal notions of masculinity, men contribute to a culture that values equality and respect.

HeForShe Male Allyship Toolkit

The Male Allyship Toolkit is a comprehensive guide designed to support men in the workplace to be allies in the pursuit of gender equality.

Read the report

Joining forces with the global feminist movement

Feminist activists have a long history of challenging harmful norms that uphold gender inequalities. Such movements also create spaces for men to critically reflect on how patriarchal norms have influenced their lives.

The HeForShe movement, for example, provides essential resources like the Male Allyship Toolkit, which offers actionable steps for men to support gender equality, such as by recognizing and challenging discriminatory behaviours, advocating for gender-inclusive policies, and fostering inclusive environments in professional and personal settings.

HeForShe uses an approach called “transforming patriarchal masculinities,” or TPM. This method emphasizes the need to challenge and transform the entrenched patriarchal norms that uphold gender inequalities. TPM focuses on the ways that men can take action with women in the push for gender equality, and can use their existing privilege in society to disrupt the social structures that give them such privilege in the first place. TPM can have positive effects for all people, allowing them freedom in choosing a vocation, being able to participate in care, and otherwise dismantling rigid gender roles.

Through policy advocacy, fostering dialogue, and building partnerships, feminist movements ensure that TPM efforts also align with broader gender equality objectives and remain accountable to feminist principles.

By transforming patriarchal norms, everyone can benefit—women can fully realize their rights, and men can have healthier and more complete lives.