Women2000 and Beyond: Rural women in a changing world: Opportunities and challenges

Women play a critical role in the rural economies of both developed and developing countries. In most parts of the developing world, they participate in crop production and livestock care, provide food, water and fuel for their families, and engage in off-farm activities to diversify the family income. In addition, they carry out vital functions in caring for children, older persons and the sick.

This issue of Women 2000 and Beyond explores the situation of rural women and the full diversity of their experiences in the context of the changing rural economy, including their position within households, community and economic structures; the gender division of labour; their access to and control over resources; and their participation in decision-making. It focuses specifically on the situation of rural women in developing countries. This publication aims to highlight women's contributions to the social, economic and political aspects of rural development and raise critical issues for improving the situation of rural women.

This issue was launched on the first observance of the International Day of Rural Women, on 15 October 2008.

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Resource type(s): Brochures
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters