Evaluation Report: UNIFEM’s Partnerships with Regional Organizations to Advance Gender Equality

This evaluation analyses UNIFEM's Partnerships with Regional Organizations to Advance Gender Equality. This is one of three corporate evaluations undertaken by UNIFEM between 2008 and 2009, and it sets out to assess the relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the organization's work with regional inter-governmental organizations globally, with an in-depth focus on Africa, Latin-America and the Caribbean.

The report's main objectives are to better understand the context and parameters of UNIFEM's partnerships with regional organizations, determine how partnerships contribute to institutional change and progress towards gender equality, to provide information that contributes to a more systematic and effective approach to partnerships and to identify opportunities, challenges, good practices and lessons learned, which would enhance and strengthen UNIFEM's partnerships with regional organizations.

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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters
Number of pages