Knowledge briefs - GRB/Aid Effectiveness

This series of knowledge briefs available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese was produced on the basis of research carried out under a UNIFEM programme -Integrating Gender Responsive Budgeting into the Aid Effectiveness Agenda- funded by the European Commission.

The research, which was condcuted in ten countries (Cameroon, Ethiopia, India, Morocco, Nepal, Mozambique, Peru, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda) investigated how gender responsive budgeting (GRB) tools and strategies had been used in the context of aid modalities, such as general budget support (GBS) and sector budget support (SBS).

The research aimed to increase national partners' and European Union decision-makers' understanding of the opportunities for using GRB to ensure that aid contributes to the achievement of gender equality goals.The knowledge briefs aim to provide guidance on using GRB tools to integrate a gender dimension into new modalities of aid financing, so that these support the implementation of governments' gender equality commitments. The target audiences are programmers and policy makers working for national governments, the European Commission, and bilateral donors.

The series consists of 5 separate briefs:

You can access the full set of briefs in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese by clicking on the following links: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese

Bibliographic information

UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters