Pakistan Floods 2010 – Rapid Gender Needs Assessment of Flood-Affected Communities

Following the floods in the Summer of 2010 that have affected the lives and livelihoods of millions of people in Pakistan, UNIFEM is working to ensure that gender concerns are fully integrated into relief and recovery operations. In particular, UNIFEM focuses on supporting assessments of the conditions and needs of women and girls in affected areas, and on preventing, monitoring and addressing gender-based violence among vulnerable populations.

This Rapid Gender Needs Assessment report analyses emerging trends and data from:

  • a Gender Needs Assessment (GNA) survey conducted with 253 respondents;
  • the Multi-cluster Rapid Assessment Mechanism (McRAM) conducted by UN OCHA;
  • 141 case studies that UNIFEM collected from across Pakistan in the immediate aftermath of the floods; and
  • other emerging secondary information, including secondary literature on the impact of floods produced by various organizations, as well as media briefs and reports.

The assessment report chronologically maps gender-related concerns from the onset of floods to current relief camps, identifying gaps in information and flagging issues for upcoming stages of early recovery. It is structured into two broad categories of practical and strategic gender needs:

  • protection of rights related to basic necessities of life; and
  • protection of life, security, integrity and dignity.

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  • Summary Report

Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Assessments
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters Office
Number of pages