Migration, Remittances and Gender sensitive Local Development: The case of the Dominican Republic

Migration, Remittances and Gender-sensitive local development: the case of the Dominican Republic, provides a gender perspective on the migratory corridor between Las Placetas and the United States. Las Placetas is a small rural community that belongs to San Jose de las Matas, the second locality that receives the highest percentage of remittances per capita in the Dominican Republic. The study describes the different sectors in which migrant men and women have inserted themselves in the United States, mainly in New York; it explains how remittances are used and managed and what influence migration and remittances have in this community. The study concludes that women's employment in the destination country empowers them economically; however at destination and at origin, gender relations remain unequal, particularly when it comes to decision making and care responsibilities within homes. The author, Tahira Vargas, recommends to boost women's organization in the community, in order to create links within migrants and promote projects and changes that favor women's economic and social empowerment.

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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Case studies
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters
Number of pages