Mapping of Grantees’ Outcomes- The United Trust Fund To End Violence Against Women (2006 to Mid 2011)

The Mapping of Grantees' Outcomes by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women presents the findings of the first UN Trust Fund Outcome Mapping exercise conducted between February and July 2011 that sheds light on which approaches are proving most successful to ending violence against women as well as on where the Fund's investments are most effective and relevant to its objectives and priorities.

Outcome Mapping is a planning, monitoring and evaluation methodology that focuses on changes in the behavior of people, groups and organizations with whom a programme works directly. As such, this Outcome Mapping exercise has taken up the challenge of measuring to what extent our actions influence others to contribute to ending violence against women? and how can they can these actions lead to sustainable and long-term change.

With the data obtained as a result of this study, the UN Trust Fund seeks to ensure that emerging trends are captured and made available to its stakeholders and a wide range of practicioners. In so doing, the UN Trust Fund significantly contribute to decreasing the evaluation and knowledge gap on ending violence against women, as set out in its strategic vision.

Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Project/programme reports
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters
Number of pages