Outreach: Stakeholder Forum Newsletter on the 2011 Climate Change and Sustainable Development Talks in Durban

Outreach is a multi-stakeholder newsletter, published by the Stakeholder Forum and co-sponsored by UN Women. It highlights stakeholder perspectives daily during the Conference of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

During COP-17, held in Durban from 28 November to 9 December 2011, the daily series will cover:

  • Agriculture/Forestry — Role of agriculture in the negotiations, REDD+ developments
  • Climate Finance and Market Based Mechanisms — Green fund development, adaptation financing, CDM and Kyoto
  • Technology transfer: How can this be accelerated and effectively? What is needed and how?
  • Private Sector — The missing seat at the table?
  • Water/Oceans — Water: no longer forgotten, its new place in the negotiations
  • Leadership — To inspire, to drive, to lead - examples of leadership from every level
  • Africa — Expectations from COP
  • Americas — After a decade of change, who are the new drivers of action?
  • Asia — How are Asia's vulnerabilities and predicted growth recognised in the negotiations?
  • EU — the EU's current view on climate change

The wrap up edition will give a comprehensive analysis of the outcomes from the negotiations, and then look forward to The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) 2012, informally known as the Earth Summit 2012 or Rio+20. The wrap-up edition will start with the debate surrounding the fair and green economy.

The Stakeholder Forum is an international organization working on sustainable development and supporting the increased involvement of stakeholders in international processes. The articles in the newsletter reflect the views of their authors (or, where indicated, of coalitions), and do not reflect the opinions of all stakeholders.

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Resource type(s): Newsletters/magazines
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters