Two Roads, One Goal: Dual Strategy for Gender Equality Programming in the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund

The joint study Two Roads, One Goal, funded and supported by the Spanish MDG Achievement Fund (MDGF) and conducted by UNDP and UN Women examines the MDGF’s application of its dual strategy for the achievement of gender equality through joint programming. It presents a detailed analysis of the added value of targeted programming for gender equality. The first section examines the Gender Window’s 13 joint programmes, while the second part presents an examination of the application of gender mainstreaming across the rest of the seven funding windows. This is the most extensive review of gender-related UN country team programming activity currently available, providing information on gender analysis, results frameworks, implementation activities and beneficiaries, and the use of technical expertise in joint programme management.


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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Case studies
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters
Number of pages