UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women annual report 2014

The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UNTF) 2014 annual report highlights the accomplishments of UNTF grantees from across the world in three key priority areas:

  • preventing violence against women and girls;
  • expanding access to critical services for survivors; and
  • strengthening the implementation of national laws, policies and action plans to address violence against women and girls.

The Report draws upon progress and results from projects currently being implemented and on the expectations for new grants that were awarded in 2014. The projects and organizations that the UNTF supports are at the forefront of challenging the prevailing norms that allow for violence against women and girls.

The UNTF annual report is distributed at a key moment—at the backdrop of discussions on the Sustainable Development Goals—and testifies to the importance of how ensuring the elimination of violence against women and the realization of women’s and girls’ human rights will be essential to the achievement of sustainable development by 2030.

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Resource type(s): Project/programme reports
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters
Number of pages