Fact sheet on women migrant workers from the Republic of Moldova

The Republic of Moldova is accounting for an increasing number of women migrants in the recent past and, therefore, the phenomenon of migration has become more critical in terms of the economic, social and political life of the country.

This fact sheet provides a brief and precise situational analysis of women migrant workers from the Republic of Moldova, including a Moldovan migration profile, policy review and an overview of services and interventions done to enhance women migrant workers’ rights. In a total of seven sections, it provides reasons for labour emigration of Moldovans, including an overview of the most important destination countries. Further, the impact of Moldovan women worker’s labour migration is examined, mainly discussing the importance of remittances.

Moldovan policies and their coherence with international commitments are reviewed and services and interventions for the protection and promotion of women migrant workers’ rights outlined. In the end, the fact sheet presents important lessons learned and recommendations.

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union as part of the UN Women project “Promoting and Protecting Human and Labour Rights of Women Migrant Workers”.

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Resource type(s): Briefs Assessments
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters
Number of pages
i + 8