What can we learn from UN Women evaluations? A meta-analysis of evaluations managed by UN Women in 2014 and 2015

As part of its continuous effort to promote learning and accountability, UN Women’s Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) undertakes an annual meta-analysis to ensure that the body of evidence produced by corporate and decentralized evaluations are synthesized and used to inform corporate-level and decentralized policies and strategies.

This meta-analysis aggregated and synthesized information generated from 49 evaluations and transformed this evidence into accessible knowledge for future systematic strengthening of programming, organizational effectiveness and the evaluation function. The findings will also be used to inform the new Strategic Plan of UN Women (2018–2022) and contribute to better understanding of the context in which ongoing and new initiatives will be implemented.

The analysis is structured against the United Nations Evaluation Group’s (UNEG) criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, culture of results and sustainability and provides a brief synthesis of progress made as part of some emergent findings captured in previous meta-analysis reports.

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Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters
Number of pages