A unique view of the bigger picture: A meta-analysis of UN Women evaluations in 2016

UN Women continuously seeks ways to accelerate its development results through improved programming and organizational effectiveness. To further facilitate the review of evaluative evidence and transform it into accessible knowledge, the UN Women Independent Evaluation Office annually produces a meta-analysis report.

In 2016, 36 evaluation reports were synthesized as part of the Independent Evaluation Office’s continuous effort to promote learning and accountability. The aggregation and synthesis of evidence from multiple decentralized evaluations proved to be a potent approach to better understand what kinds of programmatic approaches and interventions are working best across the range of countries UN Women serves. Findings will contribute to better understanding the context in which ongoing and new initiatives will be implemented, including implementation of the UN Women Strategic Plan 2018–2021.

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Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters
Number of pages