TRANSFORM – The magazine for gender-responsive evaluation – Issue 14, December 2018

TRANSFORM Issue 14, “Working together to empower voices”, is a special edition focused on the inter-related themes of gender, evaluation, transformative change, marginalized voices, and leaving no one behind in pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 5.

The issue opens with a Q&A with Lisa Sutton, the new IEAS Director. Then, Part I presents a new systemic approach to gender-responsive evaluation from UN Women known as ISE4GEMs. Part II shows gender-responsive evaluations in action at UNICEF, UNODC, and UNFPA. Part III puts a spotlight on Finland by showcasing the work of our partner, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, to improve women’s and girls’ rights in Finland’s national development and cooperation policy through gender-responsive evaluation.

The issue closes with perspectives from members of professional evaluation associations.

Produced by the Independent Evaluation Service, TRANSFORM is a magazine that features UN Women corporate evaluations and meta-analyses, along with issues specifically dedicated to gender-responsive evaluation.

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Resource type(s): Newsletters/magazines
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters
Number of pages