Our space is your space: Experiences from the pilot phase of the Second Chance Education and Vocational Learning Programme (SCE) in Australia, Cameroon, Chile, India, Jordan and Mexico

UN Women’s Second Chance Education (SCE) programme provides women who have been affected by humanitarian crisis, poverty, or harmful social norms with a second chance to access learning and training opportunities and fulfil their personal and economic aspirations. The SCE pilot programme (2018–2023) was implemented in six countries in three contexts:

  • humanitarian crisis (Cameroon and Jordan),
  • middle income (Chile, India, and Mexico),
  • and high income (Australia).

This guide pulls together the experiences of the six pilot countries in implementing the programme. It gives examples, case studies and tips from UN Women’s implementing partners on the design and delivery of the programme in different contexts. SCE’s approach recognizes that, for women who are marginalized by crisis, poverty, or harmful social norms, transformational change requires more than the offer of training or education alone.

SCE’s target women have been held back by gender-based barriers and discriminatory practices all their lives without necessarily being aware of it. SCE therefore provides access to practical support and life skills training that enable women to participate fully in whichever learning pathway they choose. Similarly, it recognizes the importance of social learning and personalized support throughout the SCE journey. Each of these SCE components or signature features are described in turn.

For a condensed version of this document that offers more practical guidance for staff implementing SCE, see the publication “SCE facilitators’ guide”.

For guidance on setting up an SCE learning hub, see “SCE hub handbook: A safe space to learn, connect and thrive”.

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Resource type(s): Manuals/guides Case studies
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters
Number of pages