Corporate evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to women’s economic empowerment by advancing gender-responsive laws, frameworks, policies, and partnerships

Women’s economic empowerment is one of UN Women’s key thematic impact areas. The entity aims to strengthen women’s economic rights and respond to pressing global needs across a range of issues, including macroeconomics, decent work, the care economy, social protection, migration, land rights, and sustainable development. UN Women also plays a key role as convener on several women’s economic empowerment agendas and has been called on to lead and represent women through memberships in groups such as the Global Alliance for Care, Equal Pay International Coalition, UN Network on Migration, and Generation Equality Action Coalitions.

In 2022, UN Women’s Independent Evaluation Service conducted an evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to women’s economic empowerment by advancing gender-responsive laws, frameworks, policies, and partnerships. The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the relevance, effectiveness, coherence, efficiency, and sustainability of UN Women’s work in this area and to develop recommendations and insights. The evaluation included a retrospective view of results achieved during the Strategic Plan 2018–2021 period, as well as a forward-looking view to support implementation of the Strategic Plan 2022–2025.

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Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters
Number of pages