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This fact sheet provides a brief and precise situational analysis of women migrant workers from the Republic of Moldova, including a Moldovan migration profile, policy…
This is an assessment of the international and national response to the refugee crisis in Serbia and fYR Macedonia from a gender perspective, carried out in Fall 2015.
This policy paper deals with the link between women’s migration and development in the Republic of Moldova. It provides background information about Moldovan female…
This paper provides a short overview of the first meeting of returned Moldovan migrants and public authorities, held on International Migrant Day, 18 December 2015. The…
This report is a result of a situational assessment of women migrant workers from Moldova in 2015. The research implied desk review, in-depth interviews with NGOs,…
This is a guide on local public services in the Republic of Moldova that was updated with a dedicated chapter on services provided to migrant women and men. The guide…
This brief discusses how migration could be mainstreamed into the Moldovan development framework, particularly from a gender perspective. This requires mainstreaming…
The UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women's Regional Fact Sheets present an overview of the Trust Fund's grant-making in five regions: Africa; Asia and the Pacific…
This publication covers four strategic areas of UN Women's work in the EECA sub-region, highlighting the most outstanding examples of programme execution illustrated…
This report takes stock of progress made by countries in Europe and Central Asia in reaching the MDGs and offers decision-makers policy-oriented, operationally feasible…