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UN Women continuously seeks ways to accelerate its development results through improved programming and organizational effectiveness. To further facilitate the review of…
Issue no. 10 focuses on the strategic partnerships of UN Women. Partnerships are an essential aspect of our work but are often overlooked when we evaluate the results of…
In 2015–2016, the UN Women Independent Evaluation Office undertook a corporate evaluation of UN Women’s strategic partnerships for gender equality and women’s…
Issue no. 9 of TRANSFORM focuses on the regional architecture of UN Women. UN Women was designed with a regional architecture that aims to maximize the organization’s…
Issue no. 8 of TRANSFORM features the third meta-analysis of UN Women–commissioned evaluations since the adoption of the current Strategic Plan (2014–2017) with a focus…
Issue no. 7 of TRANSFORM aims to make more accessible conclusions and recommendations from the recently concluded evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to UN system…
UN Women’s Independent Evaluation Office undertook this corporate evaluation to assess the progress made so far towards achieving GEEW results in the implementation of…
Women continue to be underrepresented within UN senior level positions. Enacting an organizational cultural shift that enables the meaningful representation of women is…
This review of corporate gender equality evaluations in the UN system aims to inform the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and Quadrennial…
UN Women, in partnership with the United Nations Evaluation Group, EvalPartners, EvalGender+ and International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation, commissioned a…